Change Booting From eMMC to SDCARD with JetPack

Hi! I realized that my Jetson Nano is booting from eMMC because I turned it on without SDCard and could connect via SSH (through a USB cable). I want to change the booting source to an SDCard with a jetpack flashed. Moreover, when it boots from eMMC and I try to do something it says “No space left on device”.

I’m using 4GB Jetson Nano and the Ubuntu running on eMMC is 18.04.

Thanks a lot for your help!

Hi breyner.posso,

Try using df -h to inspect disk usage of /dev/mmcblk0p1 partition.
You might install all SDK Components that needs lots of space.

You could refer to the following link for instruction of flash to external SDCard.
Flashing to an SD Card


I think there are some misunderstanding here, so let me clarify it first.

  1. Default jetpack release from sdkmanager only supports Jetson devkit released by NV.

  2. Jetson Nano NV devkit “carrier board” does not have any sdcard slot on it. We only have sdcard “module” and emmc “module”. Which means if your module has emmc, it won’t have sdcard and vice versa.

  3. If your board has both sdcard and emmc at same time, it means that sdcard is on carrier board and that carrier board is released by other vendor.

What @KevinFFF shared is for sdcard module to use. However, for your case, even supporting that sdcard slot on carrier board needs extra software patch.

To make it more easier to understand, if you are using a custom board, then directly flashing jetpack from sdkmanager won’t support your sdcard on the board.

You need to consult vendor for the customized BSP. We are not able to tell you how to do that either because we don’t have the hardware schematic of that custom board.

Another note: If you have ssh access you can remove files that way (or via serial console). Not exactly what you wanted, but aside from changing boot to SD card (which won’t be possible on an eMMC model unless you have a third party custom carrier board), you can also mount (without much trouble at all) that SD card at a mount point, e.g., “/usr/local”, and put CUDA and a lot of space-consuming content on the SD card (it wouldn’t boot from SD, but the SD would contain the larger packages). What you can do depends a lot on which hardware you have (carrier board).

Incidentally, I think eMMC models can boot to USB drives without anything special. The SD card driver content isn’t normally present during boot stages on the eMMC model, but USB is.

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