Chrome Version : 64.0.3282.11 (Build)
OS Version: Linux Arch_x64
URLs (if applicable) : All
Other browsers tested: Firefox, Vivaldi, Chrome
Add OK or FAIL after other browsers where you have tested this issue:
Firefox: OK
Vivaldi: FAIL
CHromuim: FAIL
What steps will reproduce the problem?
To get system lag:
Enable acceleration
Restart the browser
Moving windows and overall expierience is terrible outside of Chrome/Chromium
To get tearing:
Disable acceleration
Restart the browser
Scrolling and watching videos or really any movement shows extreme tearing
What is the expected result?
The browser should not cause system lag when acceleration is enabled
What happens instead of that?
I have to choose between getting extreme tearing and system lag.
Arch Linux x64
GNOME 3.26
Tested kernels: generic, ZEN (happens on both)
GTX 980 (properitary nvidia driver)
i7 4790K
8GB of RAM memory