Collider and Rigid_Body preset error (PhysicsUSD: Parse collision - triangle mesh collision) in 2022.2.1

Collider and Rigid_Body preset error (PhysicsUSD: Parse collision - triangle mesh collision) - Omniverse / Isaac Sim - NVIDIA Developer Forums

The same error occurs in the 2022.2.1 version.

[omni.physx.plugin] PhysicsUSD: Parse collision - triangle mesh collision (approximation None/MeshSimplifixation) without SDF cannot be a part of a dynamic body, falling back to convexHull approximation: /Replicator/SampledAssets/Population_2c198e4a/Ref_Xform_01. To enable SDF collisions, sdfResolution should be > 0.

How can I fix this? I was told it would be fixed in the new version. I really need to use a better approximation for my parts since the convexHull is very bad. Any ideas?

You can try the SDF colliders as the error suggests.
For more detailed colliders on a dynamic body you can either use convex decomposition or SDF collisions, both can be changed in the properties window.

Hello, yes I am setting other collider presets in my script that I attached in the link. I was told that with the new version this error won’t occur anymore

Yeah those are IsaacSim scripts, I am not sure what happens below. You can for sure set the SDF approximation directly though USD.

        meshCollision = PhysxSchema.PhysxSDFMeshCollisionAPI.Apply(self._stage.GetPrimAtPath(self._torus_path))

Something like this might work, if the API is already in your version. The API changed recently, but I am not sure what version you are using.

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