Collision model not move in OmniIsaacGym

Hello, community!

When I run the example code of OmniIsaacGym, I find that the collision model does not move with the robot in the Isaac Sim window.

For example, I run the following command:

python scripts/ task=ShadowHand  num_envs=2 train.params.config.minibatch_size=2

I can see the robots moving in the popped-up Isaac Sim window. However, when I click the “Show/Hide” → “ShowByType” → “Physics” → “Colliders” → “All”, I find that the colliders are not moving together with the robot.

Is there something wrong? If not, how to check that the colliders are correctly moving together with the visual one?

Hi @user58271

In order to run the simulation and synchronize the USD to show the collision meshes and others, you need to run the script with task.sim.use_flatcache=False and pipeline=cpu as follow:

python  scripts/ task=ShadowHand num_envs=2 train.params.config.minibatch_size=2 task.sim.use_flatcache=False pipeline=cpu

Please refer to the OmniIsaacGymEnvs Troubleshooting docs to read more about this configuration

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