Complete uninstall (Windows)

Hi, thank you for reading my post.
My computer :
- Windows 10
- GeForce GTX 970m
- Visual Studio 2015 Update 3

In an attempt to use tensorflow-gpu instead of tensorflow(2.1.0) on a python3(3.7) project (PyCharm), I installed the tensorflow-gpu package as well as CUDA(10.2.89) and cuDNN( for CUDA 10.2.x).

Here, I got my first missing DLL error. (I did add all of the CUDA and cuDNN paths to my %PATH% variable.)

So I tried with Python 3.6, CUDA( and cuDNN(5.0/5.1/6.0 for CUDA 8.0.x), but I still had a missing DLL error. (I also tried with tensorflow 1.2.1, without success.)

So, I decided to go back to tensorflow instead of tensorflow-gpu. But after uninstalling everything related to CUDA (five programs) in “Uninstall or change a program”, and deleting the cuDNN directory, I still have the same error, as tensorflow still tries to use CUDA the same way. (I also noticed on the NVIDIA control pannel that “CUDA - Graphical processor” is still here.)

I just want tensorflow to work again, i do not need tensorflow-gpu. I can’t go back to an older state of my computer, or reinstall windows, as I use this computer to work.

Thanks in advance for all help.

This is a tensorflow install issue, not anything related to the CUDA or NVIDIA software components you have installed.

Uninstall tensorflow-gpu

That’s not a NVIDIA product, so you may want to check other forums for solutions.