I have connect mcp2515 module to jetson nano 4gb board, follow the guide: Unofficial Guide to using the MCP2515 can module on the Jetson Nano .
The mcp2515 works with the pin connect same as guide mention. When I change the interrupt pin from PZ0 to PCC4, the problem came out. I found the problem maybe is the Pin(PCC4) has already occupy by the extcon driver. I try to set the pcc4(pin228) by
echo 228 > /sys/class/gpio/export.
And I got follow output:
Write error: Device or resource busy.
I look through file : cat /sys/kernal/debug/gpio find out gpio-228 seemd occupy by extcon:
gpio-228 ( |extcon:extcon@1 ) in hi IRQ
I want to change the extcon gpio pin. So I try to recompile the dtb file(tegra210-p3448-0000-p3449-0000-b00.dtb) and reconfig the
extcon@1 gpio setting as follow:
extcon@1 {
compatible = "extcon-gpio-states";
reg = <0x1>;
extcon-gpio,name = "VBUS";
extcon-gpio,cable-states = <0x0 0x1 0x1 0x0>;
gpios = <0x5b **0xe5** 0x0>;
extcon-gpio,out-cable-names = <0x1 0x2 0x0>;
#extcon-cells = <0x1>;
nvidia,pmc-wakeup = <0x3c 0x0 0x36 0x0>;
linux,phandle = <0x4d>;
phandle = <0x4d>;
Then, I copy the compiled refine dtb file to the /boot/ folder and reboot the nano. The problem still there.
cat /proc/interrupts
> 327: 0 0 0 0 GPIO 228 Edge extcon:extcon@1
I want to know could I use pcc4(usb_vbus_en0_pcc4) pin as an interrupt of mcp2515 ? How to disable the extcon driver to release the pcc4 pin?
By the way, the usb_vbus_en0_pcc4 pin descript is generate by the spreadsheet of jetson nano as follow:
usb_vbus_en0_pcc4 {
nvidia,pins = "usb_vbus_en0_pcc4";
nvidia,function = "rsvd1";
nvidia,pull = <0x0>;
nvidia,tristate = <0x1>;
nvidia,enable-input = <0x1>;
nvidia,io-high-voltage = <0x0>;