Creating a system backup

I would like to create a backup of the system and all files of my Jetson AGX Orin Dev Kit 32GB (Jetpack 6.1). If I were to use sudo ./tools/backup_restore/ -b cti/// to create a backup image, would I be able to put the backup image to a MicroSD card for flashing later? The backup image would be used to flash the same Jetson AGX Orin if an update or something causes problems.

Hi alpuMUUU:
If you are going to backup and restore on the same system, should do the trick. You can:

  1. sudo ./tools/backup_restore/ -b ...... to create image
  2. sudo ./tools/backup_restore/ -r ..... to restore the image you created in point 1.
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Would I be able to move the store the image on a removable storage device to be used later?

Additionally, according to, sudo ./tools/backup_restore/ -b cti/module/board/profile command needs the module, board, and profile. Is this information found when the Jetson is put in recovery mode?


You can’t backup image from EMMC and restore it into SD card directly.

Yes. So that you can just sudo ./tools/backup_restore/ -b mmcblk0 -e jetson-agx-orin-devkit to backup emmc block.

I am getting problems with the command and had to swap the -b and -e. Additionally, I am receiving errors about having to install Secureboot and an invalid target board.

Please run the script in the Linux_for_Tegra folder.

cd Linux_for_Tegra/
sudo ./tools/backup_restore/ -e mmcblk0p1 -b jetson-agx-orin-devkit

So, I do not need the Secureboot package to use the script?

Did you enable any type of security?
If no, then no. Normal system can be backup and restore directly with the script.

I do not believe I enabled any security. The Jetson AGX Orin Devkit should have default settings from flashing Jetpack 6.1.

I seem to still be getting an invalid target board error when I run the script.

You are now running the script in backup_restore folder, and it will lead to errors.
cd to Linux_for_Tegra instead of Linux_for_Tegra/tools/backup_restore and run the script.

Running the script in the Linux_for_Tegra folder gets pas the invalid target board error, but the script doesn’t seem to be finishing due to many errors.
backup.txt (54.8 KB)

Please setup rootfs before you run the script: Ref