Hi all,
Since Jetpack 5.1.2 (clean install) backup using l4t_backup_restore.sh doesn’t work anymore.
With Orin in recovery mode, l4t_backup_restore.sh on the host starts correctly but it stucks after reboot.
Attached full log, here below an extract.
cd ~/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.1.2_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra
sudo ./tools/backup_restore/l4t_backup_restore.sh -b jetson-agx-orin-devkit
then it starts and here’s the error:
* *
* Step 3: Start the flashing process *
* *
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for device to expose ssh ......RTNETLINK answers: File exists
RTNETLINK answers: File exists
Device has booted into initrd. You can ssh to the target by the command:
$ ssh root@fe80::1%usb0
Cleaning up...
Log is saved to Linux_for_Tegra/initrdlog/flash_1-4_0_20231006-162545.log
Run command:
ln -s /proc/self/fd /dev/fd && mount -o nolock [fc00:1:1::1]:/home/ae/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.1.2_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/tools/backup_restore /mnt && /mnt/nvbackup_partitions.sh -e mmcblk0p1 -n && echo Backup image is stored in /home/ae/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.1.2_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/tools/backup_restore/images
on root@fc00:1:1::2
cat: /sys/block/mmcblk0p1/size: No such file or directory
It’s a known issue in the current release of L4T, and should be fixed in later releases.
For backing up eMMC, please modify the script (Linux_for_Tegra/tools/backup_restore/l4t_backup_restore.sh) and change the following line:
It should back up the entire storage device instead of a single partition.
Or add the -e option like this: -e mmcblk0 to overwrite the default setting.
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Waiting for target to boot-up…
Cleaning up…
This worked for backup but it doesn’t for restore.
It crashes when rebooting and waiting for SSH.
It says partition doesn’t match, but I’m trying on same Jetpack (5.1.2).
Sure, tomorrow I’ll be in the office and I’ll try this.
Also, if I boot on initrd, I should be able to mount /dev/mmcblk0 on host and then I could backup/restore AGX using dd commands as I’ve always done on Jetson’s SD card.
Isn’t it?
If you are sure they are both AGX Orin 64GB, you can try taking out the following snippet in nvrestore_partitions.sh to avoid the check.
if [ ${BOARD_MATCH} = false ]; then
echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}: You are trying to flash images from a board model that does not"
echo "match the current board you're flashing onto."
exit 1
It sounds good, I’ll give it a shot.
So, I’ve couple of things to try, that’s what I’m going to do tomorrow first in the morning.
I’ll let you know asap.
With sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/l4t_initrd_flash.sh --initrd jetson-agx-orin-devkit mmcblk0 I can then use dd commands to save all-in-one image of entire AGX. That’s fine for my work.
Later I’ll try to skip board check as you suggested and I’ll let you know.
Edit: This in the summary doesn’t work. Something strange happens when dd on new AGX.
Instead, everything works well with sudo ./tools/backup_restore/l4t_backup_restore.sh -e mmcblk0 -r jetson-agx-orin-devkit skipping the board check as DaveYYY suggested here above.