cuda profiler

I’m trying to use the cuda profiler, but I get the following error:

Program run #1 was aborted after maximum program execution time duration of 360 seconds.
Error -94 in reading profiler output.
Minimum expected columns (method,gputime,cputime,occupancy) not found in profiler output file.

Am I doing anything wrong here?



simply increase the Max. Execution Time in the session configuration dialog?

Or another watchdog exits your kernel.



I’m profiling the sample matrix multiplication of cuda with maximum execution time of 2000 sec. The kernel exits successfully but I get the same error … how much time it is usually required?


Does the sample prompt you to press enter to exit? Check out this thread for more information: [url=“The Official NVIDIA Forums | NVIDIA”]The Official NVIDIA Forums | NVIDIA

Yes, it does. But, I can’t do anything at the time. I’m running the GUI. Is it possible to run profiler outside GUI?


If you read the post I linked, you would know how to solve the problem using the GUI.

Thanks. It seems I needed to run in a separate window. As simple as that !!