Custom Carrier Board, works with Jetson Nano & Jetson XavierNX, but not Orin

I am uncertain why the Orin does not boot up, but clearly I must have something wrong. I designed a custom carrier board based on the XavierNX custom carrier. Now that I have built up the board, I can boot either a Jetson Nano or a Jetson XavierNX with no problem. Both come up with HDMI.

I used the SDK to flash an Orin with the XavierNX carrier board support and am able to boot up the Orin on the XavierNX carrier and it comes up with HDMI no problem.

I take that same module (with SD card) and plug into my custom carrier and I never see the boot screen. I am just finishing up a second version of the custom carrier with serial pins exposed so I will try that tonight to see if there are any clues and report back.

That said, I was curious if there was something that I possibly missed that would cause the Orin to not boot on my board. Very strange.

Just to clarify one point here

“Cannot boot” and “cannot see HDMI output” are two different things.

If your system cannot boot, then you 100% will not see HDMI output. But cannot see HDMI output does not always mean system fails to boot.

You need to dump serial console log to tell what is the exact case happened on your board.

I will report back later this evening with serial dump.

Okay, hooked up serial, testing with original Jetson Nano first to make sure serial connection works, boots normal and see all appropriate output.

Remove module and insert Orin module. Turn on, no output from serial pins. So “Cannot boot” is the appropriate situation.

Also note, I went through this document and couldn’t find any reason my board would have compatibility issues:


If UART log does not print anything out, then I think you should check the power sequence.

This indicate an issue not related to software.

BTW, could you share the uart log from jetson nano so that I can make sure you really dumped the uart log? Some users cannot tell kernel log and uart log.

Did something with the power sequencing change with the orin vs Jetson nano/XavierNX? Let me review the docs on the power sequencing again and check my schematics. Maybe something is slightly out of tolerance. I used the exact same circuitry as the XavierNX.

Here is the serial dump from the Jetson:

jetson_serial.txt (9.6 KB)


For your jetson nano, please dump the log immediately after boot up. I don’t want to see a log that dumped after you already booted for a while.

That wasn’t the problem, it was the serial buffer wasn’t long enough so it truncated the output. Let me rerun.

jetson_serial.txt (73.5 KB)

ok. That is a UART log.

I will let our hardware folk to check with your issue.

Thanks Wayne!


While I am still not booting up completely (I will get you a log tomorrow), the orin is now posting which it wasn’t doing before.

For others that run into this with a custom board, the problem was the peripheral devices. They were coming on too soon and it was causing random non-starts on Jetson nano and then no starts on orin nano. Fixed the circuit, now they all come up.

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