Deploying Driver 431.70 using PDQ

Hi Folks,

I am trying to deploy the NVDIA driver 431.70, using PDQ. So far it has been without success. I have tried the approaches from these three articles.

So far all I get is the deployment just looks like its hanging. I do not get an error message. When I go to the computer that I am deploying to, I check Taskmanager to see if there is an application or process from NVIDIA running. There is none.

My setup is as follows.

  1. I have extracted downloaded driver file into its own folder in the network share drive.
  2. I deleted the extra folders that were not needed but kept the ones that were essential as indicated on the 3rd article.
  3. The package configuration is PDQ is as follows:
    Parameters: -noreboot -clean -noeula -nofinish -passive
    Include all Directory: checked
    Success Codes: 0,1641,3010

Thanks Everyone

looking for the same answer. I just tried the PDQ install with all the folders included, and got this error and 4 minutes 50 seconds: setup returned error code -436207360

here’s the switches I used: -noeula -clean -nosplashscreen -passive -noreboot

I saw the installer in Task Manager.

I wished there was a simple MSI and none of the junk add-ons.

Create the GFExperience folder in your install directory but only copy in EULA.html FunctionalConsent_en-US.txt and then the folder PrivacyPolicy.

The install was failing with the error file not found.

Use something like process monitor and trace setup.exe to find out why the install was failing. This worked for me on a windows 10 pro install today

@jamestrix I dont follow…

“Create the GFExperience folder in your install directory but only copy in EULA.html FunctionalConsent_en-US.txt and then the folder PrivacyPolicy.”

What does that mean?

@jamestrix is on-point.

You create an extra directory named “GFExperience”
Then move your “EULA.html”, “FunctionalConsent_en-US.txt” and “PrivacyPolicy” over to that GFExperience directory.

In my case the extracted driver folder did not contain “FunctionalConsent_en-US.txt” nor the “PrivacyPolicy” folder. I only had to copy the EULA.html file into that folder to get PDQ to deploy the driver.

Thanks for that tip @jamestrix

@Jamestrix +1 on that solution

Worked perfectly for me once I followed his suggestion with the GFExperience folder. Thanks for the post!

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@highlinered have you solved that issue?

Thank you!