I am in the process of designing a circuit diagram for the creation of a carrier board that utilizes the Orin NX.
Upon reviewing the Orin NX Design Guide, I have confirmed that PCIe polarity inversion is possible.
(Referenced from Jetson_Orin_NX_Series_and_Orin_Nano_Series_Design_Guide Chapter 7.2 PCIe “Lane reversal and polarity inversion (P/N swapping) is supported per controller.”)
I have several questions related to this:
In the attached picture, there is a section boxed in which appears to depict pins with swapped polarity. When applying polarity inversion, is it only possible to apply it to this particular section of pins?
Or, do I need to apply it to the entire PCIE0_TX0~3 section?
Or do I need to apply it oppositely to the entire PCIE0, both RX and TX, respectively?
I would appreciate a detailed explanation regarding the design of PCIe Polarity Inversion.
Thank you.