Upgrading the release using the default Ubuntu mechanisms will cause a failure since that software has no knowledge of the boot requirements. You will need to flash the system again (you could clone first if you have something valuable there). To upgrade from Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to another release will probably require using JetPack/SDK Manager, which currently does not support newer releases.
In the newest releases this should be the case. However, if the dist upgrade is not to 18.04, then I still suspect it would fail since the NVIDIA packages (especially related to boot) may not have 20.04 compatibility (and NVIDIA must supply those if there is hope of booting). NVIDIA would have to comment on dist upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 (earlier this wasn’t around so even if it should work nobody would have tested it).
I think I’m trying to do the same as @hearnsj, that is going from 32 to 32.4 without creating a new SD card. Seems there should be a way to replace the bootloader on the jetson, but I haven’t figured out how. If I try to run /var/lib/dpkg/info/nvidia-l4t-bootloader.postinst manually, I can see the command to upload the bootloader.
$ sudo /usr/sbin/l4t_payload_updater_t210 /opt/ota_package/t21x/bl_update_payload
SPEC: 3448-300---1-0-jetson-nano-qspi-sd-mmcblk0p1
Compatible SPEC: 3448-300---1--jetson-nano-qspi-sd-mmcblk0p1
[R]eading 65,536 bytes of /dev/mtdblock0 at offset 4,128,768
[R]eading 65,536 bytes of /dev/mtdblock0 at offset 4,128,768
[R]eading 65,536 bytes of /dev/mtdblock0 at offset 4,128,768
VER number: 0
[R]eading 65,536 bytes of /dev/mtdblock0 at offset 4,128,768
[R]eading 65,536 bytes of /dev/mtdblock0 at offset 4,063,232
VER_b number: 0
[R]eading 65,536 bytes of /dev/mtdblock0 at offset 4,063,232
blob ver number: 320402
Error. Version number is corrupted. Exiting…
I can see the current bootloader version as follows:
Thankyou @bryanegge I might give this a go.
To be honest the instructions to just flash a new card are annoying. At home I have a physical laptop running Fedora/windows 10 dual boot and another laptop running Windows 10
Both of these are high spec laptops.
Last time I installed a Nano I had to boot a laptop with a USB stick containing Ubuntu, then run the flash utility. Which worked.
I would use the Windows Subsystem for Linuc but this does not seem to be compatible with the Nvidia tools, at least on WSL 1 which I am stuck at till my laptop gets an upgrade of the windows build.
I use Fedora most of the time as well. Sometimes I have a small laptop with Ubuntu 18.04 remote display to Fedora when I must use JetPack/SDK Manager.
…I think this might be an issue with Windows subsystem being an emulation without the full functionality of actual Linux (perhaps loopback issues, perhaps filesystem compatibility, so on…not sure).
I ran into this same problem, although I hadn’t done a dist-upgrade, just a regular upgrade. Thanks to @brianegge suggestion to run /var/lib/dpkg/info/nvidia-l4t-bootloader.postinst manually, I quickly discovered the point of failure.
The python script is written for Python 2.x, and my system’s default is 3.x, which caused it to break when encountering a print without parens. Explicitly requiring python2 by changing the #!/usr/bin/python to #!/usr/bin/python2, then re-running apt install completed the chain of post install activities, and successfully updated the bootloader.
I’m a little disappointed that the “solution” was to just give up, wipe the system, and start over. That may be fine for Windows, but isn’t an appropriate solution for most people that have spent DAYS or longer tailoring their systems to get things done.