DLSS 3 and Frame Generation on Linux

DLSS 3 and frame generation is available under Proton/VKD3D ? in Cyberpunk 2077 I don’t see the FG option to activate ?


Was about to ask the same thing.


In the case of The Witcher 3 and Bright Memory: Infinite, the frame generation field is darkened = not active. Now the question = driver issue, or Proton ?


Ok now we know, that ‘the ball is on the Your - NVs side’ …what’s Your move and when ?

DLSS 3 support is disabled


+1 fg on Linux


Any info on when we could expect DLSS frame generation under Linux?


in a few years


And still silence - it’s already a bit frustrating - maybe someone from Nvidia will finally speak up - what is the reason for the lack of FG support on Linux?!?


+1 I bought Robocop Rogue City and I can indeed use Frame Generation with AMD FSR3 by selecting this option in-game, but I can’t use Nvidia FG at all because the option is greyed out on Linux + Steam’s Proton. It’s funny how a feature developed by AMD is working better or at all versus whatever we currently have on Nvidia. I would like to have a way to enable Frame Generation for all DX11/DX12 games being played via Proton - similar to how AMD allows to do this on Windows via their driver utility etc. RTX A2000 user here.


Can we please get this feature tucked away already NVIDIA? You advertise DLSS+FG as a flagship feature but appear to struggle greatly at bringing it to all the OS platforms supported by NVIDIA drivers and developers.

I’m not sure what the BIG issue is, but I presume it WAS NVFLEX support which afaik has been supported for a little while now.

NVIDIA, UPDATE us on the status of this feature please!


With Horizon Forbidden West I’ve been using FSR3’s frame generator. It seems like a joke when DLSS3 has its own but until they want to implement it in the only solution. Surprisingly I don’t notice many artifacts since this one doesn’t use AI.

They already have reflex implemented, I don’t understand why this isn’t the case, my 4080 was released in November 2022!! And we still can’t use one of its great features.


Would a status update on this be a lot to ask for? Has any work even been done? Is it in progress? This would help quell some concerns to customers that are feeling like they’ve been completely forgotten.

This should be a really small ask, given that FG is an advertised feature of the Ada cards and so far we have only gotten crickets.


Yes please, and RTX HDR and multi-monitor VRR.


Another nVidia stable driver release for Linux - 560.35.03, and still no info about DLSS FG.


For one of the worlds most profitable and biggest company. They sure do seem to have a problem getting work done in their driver when compared to AMD, a MUCH smaller company is able to get many of these features and updates working.


Maybe there is something behind this deferment, like a deal with Microsoft…

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Please implement the feature to your linux drivers. Biggest GPU company and still lacking behind AMD for features?

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Ladies and gentlemen, since Nvidia is ‘ignoring’ us… using this solution for now - here we have the work of two Polish developers = mix of DLSS + FSR FG technologies… works brilliantly. I tested on RTX 3060 and RTX 4090. If we have an optimized system for this [here our NeteXt73 and my kernels] it worked great :)

FGmod - git

FGmod - Nexusmods

pod RTX 3060 all Ultra/Psycho - RT Psycho, 1080p DLSS Performance + FG:

RTX 4090 - 4k DLSS Balanced/Quality - all max ULtra RT or Patch Tracing + FG:


This mod doesn’t work on my Arch and Heroic Games.

It’s pretty sad that someone like this even needs to exist for those using Nvidia gpus on Linux

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