I tried to continue using the 5.4 version after upgrading our in-house Engine to 5.5, but ran into compilation errors:
Plugins\DLSS\Source\NGXD3D12RHI\Private\NGXD3D12RHI.cpp(234): error C2660: 'ID3D12DynamicRHI::RHIGetGraphicsCommandList': function does not take 1 arguments
Plugins\DLSS\Source\NGXD3D12RHI\Private\NGXD3D12RHI.cpp(382): error C2660: 'ID3D12DynamicRHI::RHIFinishExternalComputeWork': function does not take 2 arguments
Plugins\Streamline\Source\StreamlineD3D12RHI\Private\StreamlineD3D12RHI.cpp(222): error C2660: 'ID3D12DynamicRHI::RHIGetGraphicsCommandList': function does not take 1 arguments
Plugins\Streamline\Source\StreamlineD3D12RHI\Private\StreamlineD3D12RHI.cpp(369): error C2660: 'ID3D12DynamicRHI::RHIGetGraphicsCommandList': function does not take 1 arguments
Plugins\Streamline\Source\StreamlineD3D12RHI\Private\StreamlineD3D12RHI.cpp(383): error C2660: 'ID3D12DynamicRHI::RHIGetGraphicsCommandList': function does not take 1 arguments
While also waiting for the DLSS plugin update, I managed to fix the 3.7.20 compilation errors by passing the “CmdList” variable as the first parameter to all the problematic function calls.
The impression I got from talking to engineers is also that it should not be too complex a fix, but nothing we could just push out there right now, it has to wait for a properly QA’d future release.
For the impatient people like myself, DLSSUpscaler.cpp also needs to be changed to accommodate the following API change in 5.5:
For external users of "r.PostProcessing.PropagateAlpha", calls to FindTConsoleVariableDataInt(..) will need to be replaced with regular FindConsoleVariable(..), since the former call would silently fail on a (now) boolean console variable.
Seems to work fine so far…
Of course looking forward to the official release, but like previously stated, no pressure. :)
But how can I Just use the Raytracing Feature at the Widget(User Interface )? Because only Nvidia Console Commands Works. To Turn IT of and on.Thats why I used the DLSS whole Plugin and Project File
Hello MarkusHoho, I am eagerly waiting for DLSS for Unreal engine 5.5 as now it is production-ready.
We have an amazing project and the updates that 5.5 brings are very interesting for what we are willing to achieve.
I really can use the updated dlss. please let us all know any ETA. Thank you so much
I think you are talking about Blueprints. To achieve the activation/deactivation of DLSS you can add the instructions via blueprint (that under the hood generally triggers console commands).
I tried quite a bit getting DLSS to work on 5.5 but it’s just not happening. It compiled fine and loads up but DLSS just does not activate. Works in 5.4 though (obviously).
LogDLSSBlueprint: Loaded DLSS-SR plugin version 3.7.3
LogDLSSNGXVulkanRHIPreInit: FNGXVulkanRHIPreInitModule::StartupModule Enter
LogDLSSNGXVulkanRHIPreInit: GetSelectedDynamicRHIModuleName = D3D12RHI
LogDLSSNGXVulkanRHIPreInit: VulkanRHI is not the active DynamicRHI; skipping of pregistering the required NGX DLSS Vulkan device and instance extensions via the VulkanRHIBridge
LogDLSSNGXVulkanRHIPreInit: FNGXVulkanRHIPreInitModule::StartupModule Leave
LogDLSS: FDLSSModule::StartupModule Enter
LogDLSS: PluginBaseDir P:/UnrealEngineProjects/FPEACE/Plugins/Marketplace/DLSS
LogDLSS: NGXBinariesDir P:/UnrealEngineProjects/FPEACE/Plugins/Marketplace/DLSS/Binaries/ThirdParty/Win64/
LogDLSS: Plugin settings: NGXAppId = 0
LogDLSS: NGX Application ID not specified, using the Project ID by default.
LogDLSSNGXRHI: FNGXRHIModule::StartupModule Enter
LogDLSSNGXRHI: FNGXRHIModule::StartupModule Leave
LogDLSSNGXRHI: Searching for custom and generic DLSS binaries
LogDLSSNGXRHI: NVIDIA NGX DLSS binary nvngx_dlss.dll not found in search path P:\UnrealEngineProjects\FPEACE\Binaries\ThirdParty\NVIDIA\NGX\Win64\
LogDLSSNGXRHI: NVIDIA NGX DLSS binary nvngx_dlss.dll not found in search path P:\UnrealEngineProjects\FPEACE\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\Binaries\ThirdParty\NVIDIA\NGX\Win64\
LogDLSSNGXRHI: NVIDIA NGX DLSS binary nvngx_dlss.dll found in search path P:\UnrealEngineProjects\FPEACE\Plugins\Marketplace\DLSS\Binaries\ThirdParty\Win64\
LogDLSSNGXRHI: DLSS model OTA update enabled
LogDLSSNGX: [SDK]: [2024-11-29 06:53:28] [NGXSafeInitializeLog:141] App logging hooks successfully initialized
LogDLSSNGX: [Core]: [2024-11-29 06:53:28] [NGXSafeInitializeLog:133] App logging hooks successfully initialized
LogDLSSNGX: [DLSS]: [2024-11-29 06:53:28] [tid:17588][NGXInitLog:219] App logging hooks successfully initialized
LogDLSSNGX: [DLSS]: [2024-11-29 06:53:28] [tid:17588][NGXInitLog:226] Built with APP_NAME = custom_engine_generic
LogDLSSNGXD3D12RHI: NVSDK_NGX_D3D12_Init_with_ProjectID(ProjectID = E81A9E2843F89D6A998ED08BF1C8A5B3, EngineVersion=5.5, APIVersion = 0x15, Device=000001C461D41440) -> (1 NVSDK_NGX_Result_Success)
LogDLSSNGXD3D12RHI: NVSDK_NGX_D3D12_Init (Log P:/UnrealEngineProjects/FPEACE/Saved/Logs/NGX/NGX_2024.11.29-06.53.28_4D36B33F48C6E454BDBB74BE53DD7647) -> (1 NVSDK_NGX_Result_Success)
LogDLSSNGXD3D12RHI: NVSDK_NGX_D3D12_GetCapabilityParameters -> (1 NVSDK_NGX_Result_Success)
LogDLSSNGXRHI: Get NVSDK_NGX_Parameter_SuperSampling_NeedsUpdatedDriver -> (1 NVSDK_NGX_Result_Success), bNeedsUpdatedDriver = 0
LogDLSSNGXRHI: Get NVSDK_NGX_Parameter_SuperSampling_MinDriverVersionMajor -> (1 NVSDK_NGX_Result_Success), MinDriverVersionMajor = 445
LogDLSSNGXRHI: Get NVSDK_NGX_Parameter_SuperSampling_MinDriverVersionMinor -> (1 NVSDK_NGX_Result_Success), MinDriverVersionMinor = 0
LogDLSSNGXRHI: Get NVSDK_NGX_Parameter_SuperSamplingDenoising_NeedsUpdatedDriver -> (1 NVSDK_NGX_Result_Success), bNeedsUpdatedDriver = 0
LogDLSSNGXRHI: Get NVSDK_NGX_Parameter_SuperSamplingDenoising_MinDriverVersionMajor -> (1 NVSDK_NGX_Result_Success), MinDriverVersionMajor = 0
LogDLSSNGXRHI: Get NVSDK_NGX_Parameter_SuperSamplingDenoising_MinDriverVersionMinor -> (1 NVSDK_NGX_Result_Success), MinDriverVersionMinor = 0
LogDLSSNGXRHI: NVIDIA NGX DLSS is supported by the currently installed driver. Minimum driver version was reported as: 445.0
LogDLSSNGXRHI: NVIDIA NGX DLSS-RR is supported by the currently installed driver. Minimum driver version was reported as: 0.0
LogDLSSNGXRHI: Get NVSDK_NGX_EParameter_SuperSampling_Available -> (1 NVSDK_NGX_Result_Success), DlssAvailable = 1
LogDLSSNGXRHI: Get NVSDK_NGX_Parameter_SuperSamplingDenoising_Available -> (3134193680 NVSDK_NGX_Result_FAIL_UnsupportedParameter), DlssRRAvailable = 0
LogDLSSNGXRHI: Get NVSDK_NGX_Parameter_SuperSamplingDenoising_FeatureInitResult -> (3134193680 NVSDK_NGX_Result_FAIL_UnsupportedParameter), NVSDK_NGX_Parameter_SuperSamplingDenoising_FeatureInitResult = (3134193664 NVSDK_NGX_Result_Fail)
LogDLSS: QualityMode -2: bSupported = 1, ResolutionFraction = 0.3330. MinResolutionFraction=0.3330, MaxResolutionFraction 0.3330
LogDLSS: QualityMode -1: bSupported = 1, ResolutionFraction = 0.5000. MinResolutionFraction=0.5000, MaxResolutionFraction 1.0000
LogDLSS: QualityMode 0: bSupported = 1, ResolutionFraction = 0.5800. MinResolutionFraction=0.5000, MaxResolutionFraction 1.0000
LogDLSS: QualityMode 1: bSupported = 1, ResolutionFraction = 0.6670. MinResolutionFraction=0.5000, MaxResolutionFraction 1.0000
LogDLSS: QualityMode 2: bSupported = 0, ResolutionFraction = 0.0000. MinResolutionFraction=0.0000, MaxResolutionFraction 0.0000
LogDLSS: QualityMode 3: bSupported = 1, ResolutionFraction = 1.0000. MinResolutionFraction=0.9900, MaxResolutionFraction 1.0000
LogDLSS: NumRuntimeQualityModes=5, MinDynamicResolutionFraction=0.5000, MaxDynamicResolutionFraction=1.0000
LogDLSS: NVIDIA NGX DLSS supported SR=1 RR=0
LogDLSS: FDLSSDenoiserWrapper(Active) wrapping ScreenSpaceDenoiser
LogDLSS: FDLSSModule::StartupModule Leave
LogDLSSEditor: FDLSSEditorModule::StartupModule Enter
LogDLSSEditor: DLSS module 000004EE0FF6EB20, QueryDLSSSupport = 0 DLSSUpscaler = 000004EE0FDA55D0
LogDLSSEditor: FDLSSEditorModule::StartupModule Leave
I tried your build package version of it as well. Similar to mine, it compiles fine but doesn’t run in editor viewport (I’ve enabled it in project settings) or the build. Can’t make a build if I place the plugins in the engine plugins folder. Builds successfully if its in the project plugins.
Windows build error - Missing precompiled manifest for ‘DLSSMoviePipelineSupport’, 'C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.5\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\DLSSMoviePipelineSupport\HostProject\Plugins\DLSSMoviePipelineSupport\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UnrealGame\Development\DLSSMPS\DLSSMoviePipelineSupport.precompiled
Android Build error - Missing precompiled manifest for ‘DLSSBlueprint’, 'C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.5\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\DLSS\Intermediate\Build\Android\UnrealGame\Development\DLSSBlueprint\DLSSBlueprint.precompiled. This module can not be referenced in a monolithic precompiled build, remove this reference or migrate to a fully compiled source build. This module was most likely not flagged during a release for being included in a precompiled build - set ‘PrecompileForTargets = PrecompileTargetsType.Any;’ in DLSSBlueprint.Build.cs to override. As it is part of the plugin ‘DLSS’, also check if its ‘Type’ is correct.
i added the NIS packaged plugin that i was able to package from UE 5.5 but i wasn’t 100% able to package StreamlineDeepDVC because it depends on Streamline plugin, i just copy-pasted from my game Plugin’s folder where it compiles this time)
in worst case just disable StreamlineDeepDVC (it’s the vibrance feature)