Does Driveworks have any GPU acceleration APIs, tools or modules?

Does Driveworks have any GPU acceleration APIs, tools or modules? Or any task using GPU acceleration is packaged and i can do nothing to change it?

If so, when i want to accelerate my own algorithms using PX2, i can only use cuda for it?

Dear wuhr15,
Driveworks APIs internally uses NVMedia, CUDA, TensorRT calls internally. You can make use of existing API calls if they fit in your use case. Otherwise, you can write CUDA kernels to speed up algorithm.
May I know what you want to speed up?

i want to speed up motion planning algorithms like Dijkstra, Anytime A* and so on, but i don’t know how to use CUDA now, so i want to know if i can use driveworks to achieve my goal.

Can you tell me if Driveworks can speed up Dijkstra algorithm?

Hi wuhr15,

we don’t know if could speed up the Dijkstra algorithm due to not tested, as previous suggestions, please write CUDA kernels to speed up algorithm.
