I just noticed this:
There’s six windows and I dragged and dropped the clear glass six times and got… six different materials.
Create should check if the dragged material already exists in the scene and use that instead of making a new copy (if the existing material is unchanged, of course).
I realize the proper procedure is to select all windows and then right-click on the material and do “apply to selected” but I can guarantee you that not everyone will do that, and you often just quickly will drag something into a stage which already exists and thus should be re-used instead.
Also… slightly weird that the Nvidia Cache contains both Clear_Glass and Glass_Clear (and Glass_Clear_01)… why are there so many of seemingly the exact same thing and which do you use?
EDIT: Follow up to this, here’s a related scenario…
Someone imported a CAD model into a stage with an environment and began assigning materials without making a new layer or anything. Now, someone else wants to import that same CAD model into a different stage, but all the material assignments are in the first stage. How do you “apply” those materails to the original CAD USD file?