Driver modules on NVIDIA LINUX

Target Operating System

Hardware Platform
NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX Xavier DevKit (E3550)

SDK Manager Version

Host Machine Version
native Ubuntu 18.04

My configuration:


Nvidia Jetson AGX Dev Kit

Connect Tech’s Rogue Carrier Board

Connect Tech JCB002



Nvidia: L4T 32.4.4

JetPack : JetPack_4.4.1_Linux_JETSON_AGX_XAVIER

Connectt Techs: CTI-L4T-AGX-32.4.4-V005

I need to add traces to the driver ar0330 (driver of camera NileCam30).
to do a test I compile on an ubuntu PC then I flash the nvidia card.
this takes a long time.
Is it possible to define the driver as a module and only flash the nvidia card once?
Then, if i modify the driver, to compile in order to create the driver.ko and to copy on the card nvidia only the driver.ko with a USB key.
This would be less time consuming than flashing the nvivia card for each test?

Can you help on this point ?
Best regards

Moving to Jetson AGX forum for support

You mean to compile the camera driver as a module? No, that’s not supported.

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