I am new to working with a Jetson board. For my current project at the university my professor suggested to use the AGX Xavier Developer Kit. I am currently looking for compatible camera modules for the Xavier and googled for currently deployed applications. I didn’t get any positive results.
If anyone here has a success story of using a camera module with Xavier please share what camera module you used. For additional information, I used Jetpack 4.3 to flash the OS and SDK to Xavier.
Welcome to Jetson & Embedded Systems forum, not sure what’s the camera requirement for your project, NVIDIA have enabled camera partners to create awesome camera products for Jetson platform, you can find those informations from https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/community/ecosystem#machine_vis_cam_sens
Hope this can help.
Thank you for the information. Do you have any experience in working with any of those camera modules? I am looking for a module where someone could use it in a practical application, like in a project.
The camera requirements are the camera to be single monocular camera (color) with a CSI/MIPI interface.