enabling pull up in jetson nano

Is there any guide or document for enabling the pullup resistors in jetson nano?

with “GPIO Sysfs Interface for Userspace” I am able get most of the functionalities with respect to output, but with input (with no external pull up) it is not working, I have even tried with “Jetson.GPIO - Linux for Tegra” python library and it also did not worked even after making pullup high from that library (with no external pull up).

Finally I added external
resistors 1.5k, hooked to voltage source 3.3v then both the python library and sysfs are able to detect input (board pin no. 37)

so is there any way to enable internal pullup from userspace?

hello paul23,

it may be used by internal configurations.
may I know which GPIO pin you would like to control but without success.

please also refer to application note, Jetson Nano Developer Kit 40-Pin Expansion Header Configuration.
This documentation describes how to alter the function of pins on the 40-pin header by using Nano pinmux spreadsheet.

hello JerryChang,
I am using board label no. D13.

hello paul23,

sorry, I did not clearly understand which pin you’re working with.
did you use Jetson Nano J41 GPIO Pins, https://www.jetsonhacks.com/nvidia-jetson-nano-j41-header-pinout/

hello JerryChang,

Yes I used Jetson Nano J41 GPIO Pins, pin-37.

hello paul23,

since Pin32 it’s a SPI_2_MOSI.
could you please refer to [url]https://github.com/gtjoseph/jetson-nano-support/tree/l4t_32.2.1[/url] to enable SPI.

hello JerryChang,

If I need to use it as a gpio, can’t I do that? I dont want to use it as SPI.

hello paul23,

please refer to Jetson Nano Developer Kit 40-Pin Expansion Header Configuration for the steps to configure.
you may also access Pinmux spreadsheet through download center.