ERR_NVGPUCTRPERM when use Nvidia Visual Profiler to profile Xavier remotely


I installed nsight eclipse edition (and standalone nsight compute/system) on a host Ubuntu 18 machine.
The installation seems to be ok because I can use nsight system 2021.2.3 already and connect/profile a remote Xavier and get the timeline result.
Then I tried to use Nvidia Visual Profiler, but I have this error:

==15850== NVPROF is profiling process 15850, command: /home/cont/Documents/remote/Debug/remote
==15850== Warning: ERR_NVGPUCTRPERM - The user does not have permission to profile on the target device. See the following link for instructions to enable permissions and get more information: 

I have checked the link of

But I don’t know to to how to run the remote project with sudo because it’s launched by nsight.



Please set up the password for root account with the below comment.
After that, please log in to Xavier with root to allow the permission.


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