NSight Compute + Xavier NX = Kernel profiling not supported

Hi everyone,

I just tried to run NSight Compute to find a performance issue that we experienced while switching from a Xavier AGX to a Xavier NX. Previously, the same program would run at <30% GPU utilization and only 300Mhz at 15fps. On the NX it now runs at only 7fps with 100% GPU usage and full 1.1Ghz clock. When running with NSight Compute, we get the following errors on all our kernels:

In the NSight docs, it says that the Xavier NX is a supported platform. Any idea, why I’m getting these?


Thanks for your reporting.
We are trying to reproduce this issue. Will update more information with you later.



This issue is caused by the incorrect authority.

Please noticed that you will need to login as root to enable kernel profiling.
You can follow the steps shared following to setup the root password and login as root in the Nsight Compute connection:


Thank you, that was it. The error message could maybe be improved, though.