Error during optimisation of the model using TF-TRT

HI NVIDIA Developers,
I installed the Jetpack 4.5.1 package. Thanks to this, it seems to me that TensorRT, Cudnn and cuda are already installed.
First, I used tensorflow1.15.5 +nv21.5 to do inference. It works despite the fact that some libraries seem to be missing.

Is there a way to download them all?

Secondly, I then want to do some optimization of my starting model using TF-TRT. To do this, I use the code below:

Unfortunately, I have a problem that I can’t solve:

I tried to install libnvinfer packages with:
sudo apt-get install python3 -libnvinfer-dev
But this did not solve my problem.

Would you also have a solution here on what might be missing because I am a bit lost.

Thanks in advance.

Paul Griffoul

Hi @paul.griffoul,

This looks like a dependency problem. We recommend you to post your concern on Jetson forum to get better help.


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