When I try to flash os on AGX xavier using sdkmanager, I get the following error: Is there a solution?
When I try to flash os on AGX xavier using sdkmanager, I get the following error: Is there a solution?
Hi kubo1,
Please update your sdkmanager to the latest version (v1.3) and try again.
If still fail, please upload the logs from $ ~/.nvsdkm/
Hi @carolyuu,
I used sdkmanager(1.3.1), but I failed.
So I uploaded the logs from $~/.nvsdkm/, please check it.
logs.zip (9.3 KB)
Hi kubo1,
Please check there are any files in below path:
If yes, please try flash by manually:
$ sudo ./flash.sh jetson-xavier mmcblk0p1
Hi @carolyuu
There are no files in below path.
Hi kubo1,
Please remove below path and run sdkmanager to download again:
$ sudo rm -R /home/hiroaki-k4/nvidia/JetPack_4.3_Linux_JETSON_AGX_XAVIER/
Hi @carolyuu,
ok. I did it, but I got same error.
Hi kubo1,
After you run sdkmanager to download again, are you see the files in “/home/hiroaki-k4/nvidia/JetPack_4.3_Linux_JETSON_AGX_XAVIER/” folder?
If yes, then it should be run success. If not, I think you still not download success.
HI @carolyuu,
I see only Linux_for_Tegra folder in /home/hiroaki-k4/nvidia/JetPack_4.3_Linux_JETSON_AGX_XAVIER/.
There are no files in Linux_for_Tegra folder.
Hi kubo1,
Please remove below two folders:
$ sudo rm -R /home/hiroaki-k4/nvidia/JetPack_4.3_Linux_JETSON_AGX_XAVIER/
$ sudo rm -R ~/.nvsdkm
Please make sure you are remove success and run sdkmanager to download packages.
Hi @carolyuu,
I removed that two folders and I succeeded to flash os.
Thank you very much!