The issue is that I want to boot for the very first time my jetson nano but when I insert the sd card with the jetson nano image then the etcher displays this error once I choose image of nano from my local disk :“Error Opening image” Something went wrong while opening
“Error Opening image” Something went wrong while opening
Urgent help required.
I am on windows 10 and I am using etcher for flashing the sd card. Still I have got no solution.
Have you unzipped the image prior to using it? If it is still zipped, then it won’t be a valid image. If it cannot be unzipped, then the download was probably corrupt.
Thanks a lot for help @linuxdev. I have found the problem. The problem was that I downloaded the image in a linux OS and then flashed that image in sd card from a Windows OS. Flashing again from the linux OS resolved the Issue.