Error: The current MLNX_OFED_LINUX is intended for rhel7.2

Getting this error while installing Mellanox Driver for rhel7.2

Error: The current MLNX_OFED_LINUX is intended for rhel7.2

root@snx-pdx-blh16n052100010: /tmp → uname -sr
Linux 5.4.155-200.el7.x86_64

Here is the link where I picked the driver from:

Steps for installation:

Please let me know what mellanox package I can use for this kernel.

Thank you,

Hi Anish,

can you ask this question at:

Mellanox OFED - NVIDIA Developer Forums ?

I can move this to the OFED category for you.


Please do

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Can someone please comment on this since we are blocked on our tests due to absence of this driver.
Appreciate if someone could take this up with priority.