External monitor refresh rate problems

Hi everyone,

I have 3 monitors

  1. laptop
  2. Monitor
  3. Monitor

The second monitor works at 30Hz and I don’t have the option to set it at 60Hz.

I have to mention that on Windows 10 everything works normally for both monitors at 60Hz.

A monitor that does not run on Linux at 60Hz is connected via USB Type-c - USB Type-c

And the one that works HDMI - HDMI

Can someone help me?

Here is the output:

System:    Kernel: 5.15.0-18-generic x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: N/A Desktop: Cinnamon 5.0.7 wm: muffin 5.0.2 dm: LightDM 1.30.0 
           Distro: Linux Mint 20.2 Uma base: Ubuntu 20.04 focal 
Machine:   Type: Laptop System: ASUSTeK product: ASUS TUF Gaming F17 FX706HM_FX706HM v: 1.0 serial: <filter> 
           Mobo: ASUSTeK model: FX706HM v: 1.0 serial: <filter> UEFI: American Megatrends LLC. v: FX706HM.311 date: 12/15/2021 
Battery:   ID-1: BAT1 charge: 86.3 Wh condition: 86.3/90.2 Wh (96%) volts: 17.4/15.9 model: ASUS A32-K55 type: Li-ion 
           serial: <filter> status: Full 
CPU:       Topology: 8-Core model: 11th Gen Intel Core i7-11800H bits: 64 type: MT MCP arch: N/A L2 cache: 24.0 MiB 
           flags: avx avx2 lm nx pae sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 vmx bogomips: 73728 
           Speed: 1497 MHz min/max: 800/4600 MHz Core speeds (MHz): 1: 1497 2: 1340 3: 1142 4: 1007 5: 986 6: 801 7: 855 
           8: 1024 9: 1091 10: 980 11: 951 12: 1284 13: 1298 14: 952 15: 1335 16: 1851 
Graphics:  Device-1: Intel vendor: ASUSTeK driver: i915 v: kernel bus ID: 0000:00:02.0 chip ID: 8086:9a60 
           Device-2: NVIDIA vendor: ASUSTeK driver: nvidia v: 470.86 bus ID: 0000:01:00.0 chip ID: 10de:2520 
           Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.13 driver: modesetting,nvidia unloaded: fbdev,nouveau,vesa 
           resolution: 1920x1080~144Hz, 3840x2160~60Hz, 3840x2160~30Hz 
           OpenGL: renderer: Mesa Intel UHD Graphics (TGL GT1) v: 4.6 Mesa 21.0.3 direct render: Yes 
Audio:     Device-1: Intel vendor: ASUSTeK driver: snd_hda_intel v: kernel bus ID: 0000:00:1f.3 chip ID: 8086:43c8 
           Device-2: NVIDIA vendor: ASUSTeK driver: snd_hda_intel v: kernel bus ID: 0000:01:00.1 chip ID: 10de:228e 
           Device-3: Generalplus 808 Camera type: USB driver: snd-usb-audio,uvcvideo bus ID: 3-3.1:4 chip ID: 1b3f:2002 
           Sound Server: ALSA v: k5.15.0-18-generic 
Network:   Device-1: MEDIATEK vendor: AzureWave driver: mt7921e v: kernel port: 4000 bus ID: 0000:2d:00.0 chip ID: 14c3:7961 
           IF: wlp45s0 state: up mac: <filter> 
           Device-2: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet vendor: ASUSTeK driver: r8169 v: kernel port: 3000 
           bus ID: 0000:2e:00.0 chip ID: 10ec:8168 
           IF: enp46s0 state: down mac: <filter> 
           IF-ID-1: br-0ba240f81e56 state: down mac: <filter> 
           IF-ID-2: br-1763b701db70 state: down mac: <filter> 
           IF-ID-3: br-42aa3db81576 state: down mac: <filter> 
           IF-ID-4: br-47eaddf694c2 state: down mac: <filter> 
           IF-ID-5: br-8fab2f8c9ec5 state: down mac: <filter> 
           IF-ID-6: br-fdcd24fa4be2 state: down mac: <filter> 
           IF-ID-7: docker0 state: up speed: 10000 Mbps duplex: unknown mac: <filter> 
           IF-ID-8: veth0b2cae8 state: up speed: 10000 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter> 
           IF-ID-9: veth832e2b7 state: up speed: 10000 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter> 
Drives:    Local Storage: total: 953.87 GiB used: 64.46 GiB (6.8%) 
           ID-1: /dev/nvme0n1 vendor: SK Hynix model: HFM001TD3JX013N size: 953.87 GiB speed: 31.6 Gb/s lanes: 4 
           serial: <filter> rev: 41000C20 scheme: GPT 
RAID:      Hardware-1: Intel Volume Management Device NVMe RAID Controller driver: vmd v: 0.6 port: 5000 bus ID: 0000:00:0e.0 
           chip ID: 8086.9a0b rev: N/A 
Partition: ID-1: / size: 203.88 GiB used: 64.43 GiB (31.6%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/nvme0n1p6 
Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 58.0 C mobo: 27.8 C 
           Fan Speeds (RPM): cpu: 0 
Repos:     No active apt repos in: /etc/apt/sources.list 
           Active apt repos in: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/canonical-kernel-team-ppa-focal.list 
           1: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/canonical-kernel-team/ppa/ubuntu focal main
           Active apt repos in: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list 
           1: deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu bionic stable
           Active apt repos in: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list 
           1: deb [arch=amd64] https://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main
           Active apt repos in: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list 
           1: deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nodesource.gpg] https://deb.nodesource.com/node_16.x focal main
           2: deb-src [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nodesource.gpg] https://deb.nodesource.com/node_16.x focal main
           Active apt repos in: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list 
           1: deb http://packages.linuxmint.com uma main upstream import backport
           2: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal main restricted universe multiverse
           3: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-updates main restricted universe multiverse
           4: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-backports main restricted universe multiverse
           5: deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ focal-security main restricted universe multiverse
           6: deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ focal partner
Info:      Processes: 387 Uptime: 9m Memory: 15.37 GiB used: 2.27 GiB (14.7%) Init: systemd v: 245 runlevel: 5 Compilers: 
           gcc: 9.3.0 alt: 9 Shell: bash v: 5.0.17 running in: terminator inxi: 3.0.38 
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 9600 x 2160, maximum 16384 x 16384
eDP-1 connected 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 382mm x 215mm
   1920x1080    144.03*+  60.01    59.97    59.96    60.01    59.93  
   1680x1050     84.94    74.89    69.88    59.95    59.88  
   1600x1024     60.17  
   1400x1050     85.00    74.76    70.00    59.98  
   1600x900      59.99    59.94    59.95    59.82  
   1280x1024     85.02    75.02    60.02  
   1440x900      59.89  
   1400x900      59.96    59.88  
   1280x960      85.00    60.00  
   1440x810      60.00    59.97  
   1368x768      59.88    59.85  
   1360x768      59.80    59.96  
   1280x800      59.99    59.97    59.81    59.91  
   1152x864     100.00    85.06    85.00    75.00    75.00    70.00    60.00  
   1280x720      60.00    59.99    59.86    59.74  
   1024x768      85.00    75.05    60.04    85.00    75.03    70.07    60.00  
   1024x768i     86.96  
   960x720       85.00    75.00    60.00  
   928x696       75.00    60.05  
   896x672       75.05    60.01  
   1024x576      59.95    59.96    59.90    59.82  
   960x600       59.93    60.00  
   832x624       74.55  
   960x540       59.96    59.99    59.63    59.82  
   800x600       85.00    75.00    70.00    65.00    60.00    85.14    72.19    75.00    60.32    56.25  
   840x525       85.02    74.96    69.88    60.01    59.88  
   864x486       59.92    59.57  
   800x512       60.17  
   700x525       85.08    74.76    70.06    59.98  
   800x450       59.95    59.82  
   640x512       85.02    75.02    60.02  
   720x450       59.89  
   700x450       59.96    59.88  
   640x480       85.09    60.00    85.01    72.81    75.00    59.94  
   720x405       59.51    58.99  
   720x400       85.04  
   684x384       59.88    59.85  
   680x384       59.80    59.96  
   640x400       59.88    59.98    85.08  
   576x432      100.11    85.15    85.09    75.00    75.00    70.00    60.06  
   640x360       59.86    59.83    59.84    59.32  
   640x350       85.08  
   512x384       85.00    75.03    70.07    60.00  
   512x384i      87.06  
   512x288       60.00    59.92  
   416x312       74.66  
   480x270       59.63    59.82  
   400x300       85.27    72.19    75.12    60.32    56.34  
   432x243       59.92    59.57  
   320x240       85.18    72.81    75.00    60.05  
   360x202       59.51    59.13  
   360x200       85.04  
   320x200       85.27  
   320x180       59.84    59.32  
   320x175       85.27  
HDMI-1 connected 3840x2160+5760+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 600mm x 340mm
   3840x2160     60.00*+  50.00    59.94    30.00    30.00    25.00    24.00    29.97    23.98  
   2560x1440     59.95  
   1920x1080     60.00    50.00    59.94    30.00    24.00    29.97    23.98  
   1600x900      60.00  
   1280x1024     60.02  
   1280x800      59.91  
   1280x720      60.00    59.94  
   1024x768      60.00  
   800x600       60.32  
   720x576       50.00  
   720x480       60.00    59.94  
   640x480       60.00    59.94  
DP-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI-2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP-1-0 connected primary 3840x2160+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 600mm x 340mm
   3840x2160     30.00*+
   2560x1440     59.95  
   1920x1080     60.00    59.94  
   1600x900      60.00  
   1280x1024     60.02  
   1280x800      59.81  
   1280x720      60.00    59.94  
   1152x864      59.96  
   1024x768      60.00  
   800x600       60.32  
   720x480       59.94  
   640x480       59.94    59.93  
DP-1-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP-1-2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP-1-3 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
  2560x1440 (0xf2) 241.500MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  2560 start 2608 end 2640 total 2720 skew    0 clock  88.79KHz
        v: height 1440 start 1443 end 1448 total 1481           clock  59.95Hz
  1920x1080 (0xf3) 148.500MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew    0 clock  67.50KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125           clock  60.00Hz
  1600x900 (0xfa) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1600 start 1624 end 1704 total 1800 skew    0 clock  60.00KHz
        v: height  900 start  901 end  904 total 1000           clock  60.00Hz
  1280x1024 (0x5e) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1328 end 1440 total 1688 skew    0 clock  63.98KHz
        v: height 1024 start 1025 end 1028 total 1066           clock  60.02Hz
  1280x800 (0x6c) 83.500MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1352 end 1480 total 1680 skew    0 clock  49.70KHz
        v: height  800 start  803 end  809 total  831           clock  59.81Hz
  1280x720 (0xfb) 74.250MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1390 end 1430 total 1650 skew    0 clock  45.00KHz
        v: height  720 start  725 end  730 total  750           clock  60.00Hz
  1024x768 (0x7f) 65.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1344 skew    0 clock  48.36KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  777 total  806           clock  60.00Hz
  800x600 (0x9b) 40.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  840 end  968 total 1056 skew    0 clock  37.88KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  605 total  628           clock  60.32Hz
  720x480 (0xff) 27.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   720 start  736 end  798 total  858 skew    0 clock  31.47KHz
        v: height  480 start  489 end  495 total  525           clock  59.94Hz
  640x480 (0xb6) 25.175MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  656 end  752 total  800 skew    0 clock  31.47KHz
        v: height  480 start  490 end  492 total  525           clock  59.94Hz
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 9600 x 2160, maximum 16384 x 16384
eDP-1 connected 1920x1080+0+0 (0x48) normal (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 382mm x 215mm
	Identifier: 0x43
	Timestamp:  20233
	Subpixel:   unknown
	Gamma:      1.0:0.99:0.97
	Brightness: 0.97
	CRTC:       1
	CRTCs:      1 2 3 4
	Transform:  1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
	vrr_capable: 1 
		range: (0, 1)
	scaling mode: Full aspect 
		supported: Full, Center, Full aspect
	Colorspace: Default 
		supported: Default, RGB_Wide_Gamut_Fixed_Point, RGB_Wide_Gamut_Floating_Point, opRGB, DCI-P3_RGB_D65, BT2020_RGB, BT601_YCC, BT709_YCC, XVYCC_601, XVYCC_709, SYCC_601, opYCC_601, BT2020_CYCC, BT2020_YCC
	max bpc: 12 
		range: (6, 12)
	Broadcast RGB: Automatic 
		supported: Automatic, Full, Limited 16:235
	panel orientation: Normal 
		supported: Normal, Upside Down, Left Side Up, Right Side Up
	link-status: Good 
		supported: Good, Bad
		supported: 308
	non-desktop: 0 
		range: (0, 1)
  1920x1080 (0x48) 368.140MHz -HSync -VSync *current +preferred
        h: width  1920 start 1968 end 2000 total 2102 skew    0 clock 175.14KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1090 end 1095 total 1216           clock 144.03Hz
  1920x1080 (0x49) 356.375MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width  1920 start 2080 end 2288 total 2656 skew    0 clock 134.18KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1081 end 1084 total 1118           clock  60.01Hz
  1920x1080 (0x4a) 266.500MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width  1920 start 1944 end 1960 total 2000 skew    0 clock 133.25KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1081 end 1084 total 1111           clock  59.97Hz
  1920x1080 (0x4b) 173.000MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1920 start 2048 end 2248 total 2576 skew    0 clock  67.16KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1083 end 1088 total 1120           clock  59.96Hz
  1920x1080 (0x4c) 153.400MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width  1920 start 1968 end 2000 total 2102 skew    0 clock  72.98KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1090 end 1095 total 1216           clock  60.01Hz
  1920x1080 (0x4d) 138.500MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  1920 start 1968 end 2000 total 2080 skew    0 clock  66.59KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1083 end 1088 total 1111           clock  59.93Hz
  1680x1050 (0x4e) 214.750MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1680 start 1808 end 1984 total 2288 skew    0 clock  93.86KHz
        v: height 1050 start 1053 end 1059 total 1105           clock  84.94Hz
  1680x1050 (0x4f) 187.000MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1680 start 1800 end 1976 total 2272 skew    0 clock  82.31KHz
        v: height 1050 start 1053 end 1059 total 1099           clock  74.89Hz
  1680x1050 (0x50) 174.000MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1680 start 1800 end 1976 total 2272 skew    0 clock  76.58KHz
        v: height 1050 start 1053 end 1059 total 1096           clock  69.88Hz
  1680x1050 (0x51) 146.250MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1680 start 1784 end 1960 total 2240 skew    0 clock  65.29KHz
        v: height 1050 start 1053 end 1059 total 1089           clock  59.95Hz
  1680x1050 (0x52) 119.000MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  1680 start 1728 end 1760 total 1840 skew    0 clock  64.67KHz
        v: height 1050 start 1053 end 1059 total 1080           clock  59.88Hz
  1600x1024 (0x53) 103.125MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1600 start 1600 end 1656 total 1664 skew    0 clock  61.97KHz
        v: height 1024 start 1024 end 1029 total 1030           clock  60.17Hz
  1400x1050 (0x54) 179.260MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1400 start 1504 end 1656 total 1912 skew    0 clock  93.76KHz
        v: height 1050 start 1051 end 1054 total 1103           clock  85.00Hz
  1400x1050 (0x55) 155.800MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1400 start 1464 end 1784 total 1912 skew    0 clock  81.49KHz
        v: height 1050 start 1052 end 1064 total 1090           clock  74.76Hz
  1400x1050 (0x56) 145.060MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1400 start 1496 end 1648 total 1896 skew    0 clock  76.51KHz
        v: height 1050 start 1051 end 1054 total 1093           clock  70.00Hz
  1400x1050 (0x57) 122.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1400 start 1488 end 1640 total 1880 skew    0 clock  64.89KHz
        v: height 1050 start 1052 end 1064 total 1082           clock  59.98Hz
  1600x900 (0x58) 246.000MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width  1600 start 1728 end 1900 total 2200 skew    0 clock 111.82KHz
        v: height  900 start  901 end  904 total  932           clock  59.99Hz
  1600x900 (0x59) 186.500MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width  1600 start 1624 end 1640 total 1680 skew    0 clock 111.01KHz
        v: height  900 start  901 end  904 total  926           clock  59.94Hz
  1600x900 (0x5a) 118.250MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1600 start 1696 end 1856 total 2112 skew    0 clock  55.99KHz
        v: height  900 start  903 end  908 total  934           clock  59.95Hz
  1600x900 (0x5b) 97.500MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  1600 start 1648 end 1680 total 1760 skew    0 clock  55.40KHz
        v: height  900 start  903 end  908 total  926           clock  59.82Hz
  1280x1024 (0x5c) 157.500MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1344 end 1504 total 1728 skew    0 clock  91.15KHz
        v: height 1024 start 1025 end 1028 total 1072           clock  85.02Hz
  1280x1024 (0x5d) 135.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1296 end 1440 total 1688 skew    0 clock  79.98KHz
        v: height 1024 start 1025 end 1028 total 1066           clock  75.02Hz
  1280x1024 (0x5e) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1328 end 1440 total 1688 skew    0 clock  63.98KHz
        v: height 1024 start 1025 end 1028 total 1066           clock  60.02Hz
  1440x900 (0x5f) 106.500MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1440 start 1520 end 1672 total 1904 skew    0 clock  55.93KHz
        v: height  900 start  903 end  909 total  934           clock  59.89Hz
  1400x900 (0x60) 103.500MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1400 start 1480 end 1624 total 1848 skew    0 clock  56.01KHz
        v: height  900 start  903 end  913 total  934           clock  59.96Hz
  1400x900 (0x61) 86.500MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  1400 start 1448 end 1480 total 1560 skew    0 clock  55.45KHz
        v: height  900 start  903 end  913 total  926           clock  59.88Hz
  1280x960 (0x62) 148.500MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1344 end 1504 total 1728 skew    0 clock  85.94KHz
        v: height  960 start  961 end  964 total 1011           clock  85.00Hz
  1280x960 (0x63) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1376 end 1488 total 1800 skew    0 clock  60.00KHz
        v: height  960 start  961 end  964 total 1000           clock  60.00Hz
  1440x810 (0x64) 198.125MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width  1440 start 1548 end 1704 total 1968 skew    0 clock 100.67KHz
        v: height  810 start  811 end  814 total  839           clock  60.00Hz
  1440x810 (0x65) 151.875MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width  1440 start 1464 end 1480 total 1520 skew    0 clock  99.92KHz
        v: height  810 start  811 end  814 total  833           clock  59.97Hz
  1368x768 (0x66) 85.250MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1368 start 1440 end 1576 total 1784 skew    0 clock  47.79KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  781 total  798           clock  59.88Hz
  1368x768 (0x67) 72.250MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  1368 start 1416 end 1448 total 1528 skew    0 clock  47.28KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  781 total  790           clock  59.85Hz
  1360x768 (0x68) 84.750MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1360 start 1432 end 1568 total 1776 skew    0 clock  47.72KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  781 total  798           clock  59.80Hz
  1360x768 (0x69) 72.000MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  1360 start 1408 end 1440 total 1520 skew    0 clock  47.37KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  781 total  790           clock  59.96Hz
  1280x800 (0x6a) 174.250MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width  1280 start 1380 end 1516 total 1752 skew    0 clock  99.46KHz
        v: height  800 start  801 end  804 total  829           clock  59.99Hz
  1280x800 (0x6b) 134.250MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width  1280 start 1304 end 1320 total 1360 skew    0 clock  98.71KHz
        v: height  800 start  801 end  804 total  823           clock  59.97Hz
  1280x800 (0x6c) 83.500MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1352 end 1480 total 1680 skew    0 clock  49.70KHz
        v: height  800 start  803 end  809 total  831           clock  59.81Hz
  1280x800 (0x6d) 71.000MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1328 end 1360 total 1440 skew    0 clock  49.31KHz
        v: height  800 start  803 end  809 total  823           clock  59.91Hz
  1152x864 (0x6e) 143.470MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1152 start 1232 end 1360 total 1568 skew    0 clock  91.50KHz
        v: height  864 start  865 end  868 total  915           clock 100.00Hz
  1152x864 (0x6f) 121.500MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  1152 start 1216 end 1344 total 1568 skew    0 clock  77.49KHz
        v: height  864 start  865 end  868 total  911           clock  85.06Hz
  1152x864 (0x70) 119.650MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1152 start 1224 end 1352 total 1552 skew    0 clock  77.09KHz
        v: height  864 start  865 end  868 total  907           clock  85.00Hz
  1152x864 (0x71) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1152 start 1216 end 1344 total 1600 skew    0 clock  67.50KHz
        v: height  864 start  865 end  868 total  900           clock  75.00Hz
  1152x864 (0x72) 104.990MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1152 start 1224 end 1352 total 1552 skew    0 clock  67.65KHz
        v: height  864 start  865 end  868 total  902           clock  75.00Hz
  1152x864 (0x73) 96.770MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1152 start 1224 end 1344 total 1536 skew    0 clock  63.00KHz
        v: height  864 start  865 end  868 total  900           clock  70.00Hz
  1152x864 (0x74) 81.620MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1152 start 1216 end 1336 total 1520 skew    0 clock  53.70KHz
        v: height  864 start  865 end  868 total  895           clock  60.00Hz
  1280x720 (0x75) 156.125MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width  1280 start 1376 end 1512 total 1744 skew    0 clock  89.52KHz
        v: height  720 start  721 end  724 total  746           clock  60.00Hz
  1280x720 (0x76) 120.750MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width  1280 start 1304 end 1320 total 1360 skew    0 clock  88.79KHz
        v: height  720 start  721 end  724 total  740           clock  59.99Hz
  1280x720 (0x77) 74.500MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1344 end 1472 total 1664 skew    0 clock  44.77KHz
        v: height  720 start  723 end  728 total  748           clock  59.86Hz
  1280x720 (0x78) 63.750MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1328 end 1360 total 1440 skew    0 clock  44.27KHz
        v: height  720 start  723 end  728 total  741           clock  59.74Hz
  1024x768 (0x79) 194.020MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width  1024 start 1108 end 1220 total 1416 skew    0 clock 137.02KHz
        v: height  768 start  768 end  770 total  806           clock  85.00Hz
  1024x768 (0x7a) 170.240MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width  1024 start 1108 end 1220 total 1416 skew    0 clock 120.23KHz
        v: height  768 start  768 end  770 total  801           clock  75.05Hz
  1024x768 (0x7b) 133.475MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width  1024 start 1100 end 1212 total 1400 skew    0 clock  95.34KHz
        v: height  768 start  768 end  770 total  794           clock  60.04Hz
  1024x768 (0x7c) 94.500MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1072 end 1168 total 1376 skew    0 clock  68.68KHz
        v: height  768 start  769 end  772 total  808           clock  85.00Hz
  1024x768 (0x7d) 78.750MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1040 end 1136 total 1312 skew    0 clock  60.02KHz
        v: height  768 start  769 end  772 total  800           clock  75.03Hz
  1024x768 (0x7e) 75.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1328 skew    0 clock  56.48KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  777 total  806           clock  70.07Hz
  1024x768 (0x7f) 65.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1344 skew    0 clock  48.36KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  777 total  806           clock  60.00Hz
  1024x768i (0x80) 44.900MHz +HSync +VSync Interlace
        h: width  1024 start 1032 end 1208 total 1264 skew    0 clock  35.52KHz
        v: height  768 start  768 end  776 total  817           clock  86.96Hz
  960x720 (0x81) 170.675MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   960 start 1036 end 1144 total 1328 skew    0 clock 128.52KHz
        v: height  720 start  720 end  722 total  756           clock  85.00Hz
  960x720 (0x82) 148.500MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   960 start 1032 end 1144 total 1320 skew    0 clock 112.50KHz
        v: height  720 start  720 end  722 total  750           clock  75.00Hz
  960x720 (0x83) 117.000MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   960 start 1024 end 1128 total 1300 skew    0 clock  90.00KHz
        v: height  720 start  720 end  722 total  750           clock  60.00Hz
  928x696 (0x84) 144.000MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   928 start  992 end 1104 total 1280 skew    0 clock 112.50KHz
        v: height  696 start  696 end  698 total  750           clock  75.00Hz
  928x696 (0x85) 109.150MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   928 start  976 end 1088 total 1264 skew    0 clock  86.35KHz
        v: height  696 start  696 end  698 total  719           clock  60.05Hz
  896x672 (0x86) 130.500MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   896 start  944 end 1052 total 1228 skew    0 clock 106.27KHz
        v: height  672 start  672 end  674 total  708           clock  75.05Hz
  896x672 (0x87) 102.400MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   896 start  960 end 1060 total 1224 skew    0 clock  83.66KHz
        v: height  672 start  672 end  674 total  697           clock  60.01Hz
  1024x576 (0x88) 98.500MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width  1024 start 1092 end 1200 total 1376 skew    0 clock  71.58KHz
        v: height  576 start  577 end  580 total  597           clock  59.95Hz
  1024x576 (0x89) 78.375MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width  1024 start 1048 end 1064 total 1104 skew    0 clock  70.99KHz
        v: height  576 start  577 end  580 total  592           clock  59.96Hz
  1024x576 (0x8a) 46.500MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1064 end 1160 total 1296 skew    0 clock  35.88KHz
        v: height  576 start  579 end  584 total  599           clock  59.90Hz
  1024x576 (0x8b) 42.000MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1072 end 1104 total 1184 skew    0 clock  35.47KHz
        v: height  576 start  579 end  584 total  593           clock  59.82Hz
  960x600 (0x8c) 96.625MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   960 start 1028 end 1128 total 1296 skew    0 clock  74.56KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  604 total  622           clock  59.93Hz
  960x600 (0x8d) 77.000MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   960 start  984 end 1000 total 1040 skew    0 clock  74.04KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  604 total  617           clock  60.00Hz
  832x624 (0x8e) 57.284MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   832 start  864 end  928 total 1152 skew    0 clock  49.73KHz
        v: height  624 start  625 end  628 total  667           clock  74.55Hz
  960x540 (0x8f) 86.500MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   960 start 1024 end 1124 total 1288 skew    0 clock  67.16KHz
        v: height  540 start  541 end  544 total  560           clock  59.96Hz
  960x540 (0x90) 69.250MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   960 start  984 end 1000 total 1040 skew    0 clock  66.59KHz
        v: height  540 start  541 end  544 total  555           clock  59.99Hz
  960x540 (0x91) 40.750MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width   960 start  992 end 1088 total 1216 skew    0 clock  33.51KHz
        v: height  540 start  543 end  548 total  562           clock  59.63Hz
  960x540 (0x92) 37.250MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width   960 start 1008 end 1040 total 1120 skew    0 clock  33.26KHz
        v: height  540 start  543 end  548 total  556           clock  59.82Hz
  800x600 (0x93) 114.750MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   800 start  832 end  928 total 1080 skew    0 clock 106.25KHz
        v: height  600 start  600 end  602 total  625           clock  85.00Hz
  800x600 (0x94) 101.250MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   800 start  832 end  928 total 1080 skew    0 clock  93.75KHz
        v: height  600 start  600 end  602 total  625           clock  75.00Hz
  800x600 (0x95) 94.500MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   800 start  832 end  928 total 1080 skew    0 clock  87.50KHz
        v: height  600 start  600 end  602 total  625           clock  70.00Hz
  800x600 (0x96) 87.750MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   800 start  832 end  928 total 1080 skew    0 clock  81.25KHz
        v: height  600 start  600 end  602 total  625           clock  65.00Hz
  800x600 (0x97) 81.000MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   800 start  832 end  928 total 1080 skew    0 clock  75.00KHz
        v: height  600 start  600 end  602 total  625           clock  60.00Hz
  800x600 (0x98) 56.300MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  832 end  896 total 1048 skew    0 clock  53.72KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  604 total  631           clock  85.14Hz
  800x600 (0x99) 50.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  856 end  976 total 1040 skew    0 clock  48.08KHz
        v: height  600 start  637 end  643 total  666           clock  72.19Hz
  800x600 (0x9a) 49.500MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  816 end  896 total 1056 skew    0 clock  46.88KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  604 total  625           clock  75.00Hz
  800x600 (0x9b) 40.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  840 end  968 total 1056 skew    0 clock  37.88KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  605 total  628           clock  60.32Hz
  800x600 (0x9c) 36.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  824 end  896 total 1024 skew    0 clock  35.16KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  603 total  625           clock  56.25Hz
  840x525 (0x9d) 107.375MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   840 start  904 end  992 total 1144 skew    0 clock  93.86KHz
        v: height  525 start  526 end  529 total  552           clock  85.02Hz
  840x525 (0x9e) 93.500MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   840 start  900 end  988 total 1136 skew    0 clock  82.31KHz
        v: height  525 start  526 end  529 total  549           clock  74.96Hz
  840x525 (0x9f) 87.000MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   840 start  900 end  988 total 1136 skew    0 clock  76.58KHz
        v: height  525 start  526 end  529 total  548           clock  69.88Hz
  840x525 (0xa0) 73.125MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   840 start  892 end  980 total 1120 skew    0 clock  65.29KHz
        v: height  525 start  526 end  529 total  544           clock  60.01Hz
  840x525 (0xa1) 59.500MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   840 start  864 end  880 total  920 skew    0 clock  64.67KHz
        v: height  525 start  526 end  529 total  540           clock  59.88Hz
  864x486 (0xa2) 32.500MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width   864 start  888 end  968 total 1072 skew    0 clock  30.32KHz
        v: height  486 start  489 end  494 total  506           clock  59.92Hz
  864x486 (0xa3) 30.500MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width   864 start  912 end  944 total 1024 skew    0 clock  29.79KHz
        v: height  486 start  489 end  494 total  500           clock  59.57Hz
  800x512 (0xa4) 51.562MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   800 start  800 end  828 total  832 skew    0 clock  61.97KHz
        v: height  512 start  512 end  514 total  515           clock  60.17Hz
  700x525 (0xa5) 89.630MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   700 start  752 end  828 total  956 skew    0 clock  93.76KHz
        v: height  525 start  525 end  527 total  551           clock  85.08Hz
  700x525 (0xa6) 77.900MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   700 start  732 end  892 total  956 skew    0 clock  81.49KHz
        v: height  525 start  526 end  532 total  545           clock  74.76Hz
  700x525 (0xa7) 72.530MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   700 start  748 end  824 total  948 skew    0 clock  76.51KHz
        v: height  525 start  525 end  527 total  546           clock  70.06Hz
  700x525 (0xa8) 61.000MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   700 start  744 end  820 total  940 skew    0 clock  64.89KHz
        v: height  525 start  526 end  532 total  541           clock  59.98Hz
  800x450 (0xa9) 59.125MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   800 start  848 end  928 total 1056 skew    0 clock  55.99KHz
        v: height  450 start  451 end  454 total  467           clock  59.95Hz
  800x450 (0xaa) 48.750MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   800 start  824 end  840 total  880 skew    0 clock  55.40KHz
        v: height  450 start  451 end  454 total  463           clock  59.82Hz
  640x512 (0xab) 78.750MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   640 start  672 end  752 total  864 skew    0 clock  91.15KHz
        v: height  512 start  512 end  514 total  536           clock  85.02Hz
  640x512 (0xac) 67.500MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   640 start  648 end  720 total  844 skew    0 clock  79.98KHz
        v: height  512 start  512 end  514 total  533           clock  75.02Hz
  640x512 (0xad) 54.000MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   640 start  664 end  720 total  844 skew    0 clock  63.98KHz
        v: height  512 start  512 end  514 total  533           clock  60.02Hz
  720x450 (0xae) 53.250MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   720 start  760 end  836 total  952 skew    0 clock  55.93KHz
        v: height  450 start  451 end  454 total  467           clock  59.89Hz
  700x450 (0xaf) 51.750MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   700 start  740 end  812 total  924 skew    0 clock  56.01KHz
        v: height  450 start  451 end  456 total  467           clock  59.96Hz
  700x450 (0xb0) 43.250MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   700 start  724 end  740 total  780 skew    0 clock  55.45KHz
        v: height  450 start  451 end  456 total  463           clock  59.88Hz
  640x480 (0xb1) 74.250MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   640 start  672 end  752 total  864 skew    0 clock  85.94KHz
        v: height  480 start  480 end  482 total  505           clock  85.09Hz
  640x480 (0xb2) 54.000MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   640 start  688 end  744 total  900 skew    0 clock  60.00KHz
        v: height  480 start  480 end  482 total  500           clock  60.00Hz
  640x480 (0xb3) 36.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  696 end  752 total  832 skew    0 clock  43.27KHz
        v: height  480 start  481 end  484 total  509           clock  85.01Hz
  640x480 (0xb4) 31.500MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  664 end  704 total  832 skew    0 clock  37.86KHz
        v: height  480 start  489 end  492 total  520           clock  72.81Hz
  640x480 (0xb5) 31.500MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  656 end  720 total  840 skew    0 clock  37.50KHz
        v: height  480 start  481 end  484 total  500           clock  75.00Hz
  640x480 (0xb6) 25.175MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  656 end  752 total  800 skew    0 clock  31.47KHz
        v: height  480 start  490 end  492 total  525           clock  59.94Hz
  720x405 (0xb7) 22.500MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width   720 start  744 end  808 total  896 skew    0 clock  25.11KHz
        v: height  405 start  408 end  413 total  422           clock  59.51Hz
  720x405 (0xb8) 21.750MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width   720 start  768 end  800 total  880 skew    0 clock  24.72KHz
        v: height  405 start  408 end  413 total  419           clock  58.99Hz
  720x400 (0xb9) 35.500MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width   720 start  756 end  828 total  936 skew    0 clock  37.93KHz
        v: height  400 start  401 end  404 total  446           clock  85.04Hz
  684x384 (0xba) 42.625MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   684 start  720 end  788 total  892 skew    0 clock  47.79KHz
        v: height  384 start  385 end  390 total  399           clock  59.88Hz
  684x384 (0xbb) 36.125MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   684 start  708 end  724 total  764 skew    0 clock  47.28KHz
        v: height  384 start  385 end  390 total  395           clock  59.85Hz
  680x384 (0xbc) 42.375MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   680 start  716 end  784 total  888 skew    0 clock  47.72KHz
        v: height  384 start  385 end  390 total  399           clock  59.80Hz
  680x384 (0xbd) 36.000MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   680 start  704 end  720 total  760 skew    0 clock  47.37KHz
        v: height  384 start  385 end  390 total  395           clock  59.96Hz
  640x400 (0xbe) 41.750MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   640 start  676 end  740 total  840 skew    0 clock  49.70KHz
        v: height  400 start  401 end  404 total  415           clock  59.88Hz
  640x400 (0xbf) 35.500MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   640 start  664 end  680 total  720 skew    0 clock  49.31KHz
        v: height  400 start  401 end  404 total  411           clock  59.98Hz
  640x400 (0xc0) 31.500MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width   640 start  672 end  736 total  832 skew    0 clock  37.86KHz
        v: height  400 start  401 end  404 total  445           clock  85.08Hz
  576x432 (0xc1) 71.735MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   576 start  616 end  680 total  784 skew    0 clock  91.50KHz
        v: height  432 start  432 end  434 total  457           clock 100.11Hz
  576x432 (0xc2) 60.750MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   576 start  608 end  672 total  784 skew    0 clock  77.49KHz
        v: height  432 start  432 end  434 total  455           clock  85.15Hz
  576x432 (0xc3) 59.825MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   576 start  612 end  676 total  776 skew    0 clock  77.09KHz
        v: height  432 start  432 end  434 total  453           clock  85.09Hz
  576x432 (0xc4) 54.000MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   576 start  608 end  672 total  800 skew    0 clock  67.50KHz
        v: height  432 start  432 end  434 total  450           clock  75.00Hz
  576x432 (0xc5) 52.495MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   576 start  612 end  676 total  776 skew    0 clock  67.65KHz
        v: height  432 start  432 end  434 total  451           clock  75.00Hz
  576x432 (0xc6) 48.385MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   576 start  612 end  672 total  768 skew    0 clock  63.00KHz
        v: height  432 start  432 end  434 total  450           clock  70.00Hz
  576x432 (0xc7) 40.810MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   576 start  608 end  668 total  760 skew    0 clock  53.70KHz
        v: height  432 start  432 end  434 total  447           clock  60.06Hz
  640x360 (0xc8) 37.250MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   640 start  672 end  736 total  832 skew    0 clock  44.77KHz
        v: height  360 start  361 end  364 total  374           clock  59.86Hz
  640x360 (0xc9) 31.875MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   640 start  664 end  680 total  720 skew    0 clock  44.27KHz
        v: height  360 start  361 end  364 total  370           clock  59.83Hz
  640x360 (0xca) 18.000MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width   640 start  664 end  720 total  800 skew    0 clock  22.50KHz
        v: height  360 start  363 end  368 total  376           clock  59.84Hz
  640x360 (0xcb) 17.750MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  688 end  720 total  800 skew    0 clock  22.19KHz
        v: height  360 start  363 end  368 total  374           clock  59.32Hz
  640x350 (0xcc) 31.500MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  672 end  736 total  832 skew    0 clock  37.86KHz
        v: height  350 start  382 end  385 total  445           clock  85.08Hz
  512x384 (0xcd) 47.250MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   512 start  536 end  584 total  688 skew    0 clock  68.68KHz
        v: height  384 start  384 end  386 total  404           clock  85.00Hz
  512x384 (0xce) 39.375MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   512 start  520 end  568 total  656 skew    0 clock  60.02KHz
        v: height  384 start  384 end  386 total  400           clock  75.03Hz
  512x384 (0xcf) 37.500MHz -HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   512 start  524 end  592 total  664 skew    0 clock  56.48KHz
        v: height  384 start  385 end  388 total  403           clock  70.07Hz
  512x384 (0xd0) 32.500MHz -HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   512 start  524 end  592 total  672 skew    0 clock  48.36KHz
        v: height  384 start  385 end  388 total  403           clock  60.00Hz
  512x384i (0xd1) 22.450MHz +HSync +VSync Interlace DoubleScan
        h: width   512 start  516 end  604 total  632 skew    0 clock  35.52KHz
        v: height  384 start  384 end  388 total  408           clock  87.06Hz
  512x288 (0xd2) 23.250MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   512 start  532 end  580 total  648 skew    0 clock  35.88KHz
        v: height  288 start  289 end  292 total  299           clock  60.00Hz
  512x288 (0xd3) 21.000MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   512 start  536 end  552 total  592 skew    0 clock  35.47KHz
        v: height  288 start  289 end  292 total  296           clock  59.92Hz
  416x312 (0xd4) 28.642MHz -HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   416 start  432 end  464 total  576 skew    0 clock  49.73KHz
        v: height  312 start  312 end  314 total  333           clock  74.66Hz
  480x270 (0xd5) 20.375MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   480 start  496 end  544 total  608 skew    0 clock  33.51KHz
        v: height  270 start  271 end  274 total  281           clock  59.63Hz
  480x270 (0xd6) 18.625MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   480 start  504 end  520 total  560 skew    0 clock  33.26KHz
        v: height  270 start  271 end  274 total  278           clock  59.82Hz
  400x300 (0xd7) 28.150MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   400 start  416 end  448 total  524 skew    0 clock  53.72KHz
        v: height  300 start  300 end  302 total  315           clock  85.27Hz
  400x300 (0xd8) 25.000MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   400 start  428 end  488 total  520 skew    0 clock  48.08KHz
        v: height  300 start  318 end  321 total  333           clock  72.19Hz
  400x300 (0xd9) 24.750MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   400 start  408 end  448 total  528 skew    0 clock  46.88KHz
        v: height  300 start  300 end  302 total  312           clock  75.12Hz
  400x300 (0xda) 20.000MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   400 start  420 end  484 total  528 skew    0 clock  37.88KHz
        v: height  300 start  300 end  302 total  314           clock  60.32Hz
  400x300 (0xdb) 18.000MHz +HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   400 start  412 end  448 total  512 skew    0 clock  35.16KHz
        v: height  300 start  300 end  301 total  312           clock  56.34Hz
  432x243 (0xdc) 16.250MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   432 start  444 end  484 total  536 skew    0 clock  30.32KHz
        v: height  243 start  244 end  247 total  253           clock  59.92Hz
  432x243 (0xdd) 15.250MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   432 start  456 end  472 total  512 skew    0 clock  29.79KHz
        v: height  243 start  244 end  247 total  250           clock  59.57Hz
  320x240 (0xde) 18.000MHz -HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   320 start  348 end  376 total  416 skew    0 clock  43.27KHz
        v: height  240 start  240 end  242 total  254           clock  85.18Hz
  320x240 (0xdf) 15.750MHz -HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   320 start  332 end  352 total  416 skew    0 clock  37.86KHz
        v: height  240 start  244 end  246 total  260           clock  72.81Hz
  320x240 (0xe0) 15.750MHz -HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   320 start  328 end  360 total  420 skew    0 clock  37.50KHz
        v: height  240 start  240 end  242 total  250           clock  75.00Hz
  320x240 (0xe1) 12.587MHz -HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   320 start  328 end  376 total  400 skew    0 clock  31.47KHz
        v: height  240 start  245 end  246 total  262           clock  60.05Hz
  360x202 (0xe2) 11.250MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   360 start  372 end  404 total  448 skew    0 clock  25.11KHz
        v: height  202 start  204 end  206 total  211           clock  59.51Hz
  360x202 (0xe3) 10.875MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   360 start  384 end  400 total  440 skew    0 clock  24.72KHz
        v: height  202 start  204 end  206 total  209           clock  59.13Hz
  360x200 (0xe4) 17.750MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   360 start  378 end  414 total  468 skew    0 clock  37.93KHz
        v: height  200 start  200 end  202 total  223           clock  85.04Hz
  320x200 (0xe5) 15.750MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   320 start  336 end  368 total  416 skew    0 clock  37.86KHz
        v: height  200 start  200 end  202 total  222           clock  85.27Hz
  320x180 (0xe6)  9.000MHz -HSync +VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   320 start  332 end  360 total  400 skew    0 clock  22.50KHz
        v: height  180 start  181 end  184 total  188           clock  59.84Hz
  320x180 (0xe7)  8.875MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   320 start  344 end  360 total  400 skew    0 clock  22.19KHz
        v: height  180 start  181 end  184 total  187           clock  59.32Hz
  320x175 (0xe8) 15.750MHz +HSync -VSync DoubleScan
        h: width   320 start  336 end  368 total  416 skew    0 clock  37.86KHz
        v: height  175 start  191 end  192 total  222           clock  85.27Hz
HDMI-1 connected 3840x2160+5760+0 (0xe9) normal (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 600mm x 340mm
	Identifier: 0x44
	Timestamp:  20233
	Subpixel:   unknown
	Gamma:      1.0:0.99:0.97
	Brightness: 0.97
	CRTC:       2
	CRTCs:      1 2 3 4
	Transform:  1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
	HDCP Content Type: HDCP Type0 
		supported: HDCP Type0, HDCP Type1
	Content Protection: Undesired 
		supported: Undesired, Desired, Enabled
	max bpc: 12 
		range: (8, 12)
	content type: No Data 
		supported: No Data, Graphics, Photo, Cinema, Game
	Colorspace: Default 
		supported: Default, SMPTE_170M_YCC, BT709_YCC, XVYCC_601, XVYCC_709, SYCC_601, opYCC_601, opRGB, BT2020_CYCC, BT2020_RGB, BT2020_YCC, DCI-P3_RGB_D65, DCI-P3_RGB_Theater
	aspect ratio: Automatic 
		supported: Automatic, 4:3, 16:9
	Broadcast RGB: Automatic 
		supported: Automatic, Full, Limited 16:235
	audio: auto 
		supported: force-dvi, off, auto, on
	link-status: Good 
		supported: Good, Bad
		supported: 317
	non-desktop: 0 
		range: (0, 1)
  3840x2160 (0xe9) 594.000MHz +HSync +VSync *current +preferred
        h: width  3840 start 4016 end 4104 total 4400 skew    0 clock 135.00KHz
        v: height 2160 start 2168 end 2178 total 2250           clock  60.00Hz
  3840x2160 (0xea) 594.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  3840 start 4896 end 4984 total 5280 skew    0 clock 112.50KHz
        v: height 2160 start 2168 end 2178 total 2250           clock  50.00Hz
  3840x2160 (0xeb) 593.407MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  3840 start 4016 end 4104 total 4400 skew    0 clock 134.87KHz
        v: height 2160 start 2168 end 2178 total 2250           clock  59.94Hz
  3840x2160 (0xec) 297.000MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  3840 start 4016 end 4104 total 4400 skew    0 clock  67.50KHz
        v: height 2160 start 2168 end 2178 total 2250           clock  30.00Hz
  3840x2160 (0xed) 297.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  3840 start 4016 end 4104 total 4400 skew    0 clock  67.50KHz
        v: height 2160 start 2168 end 2178 total 2250           clock  30.00Hz
  3840x2160 (0xee) 297.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  3840 start 4896 end 4984 total 5280 skew    0 clock  56.25KHz
        v: height 2160 start 2168 end 2178 total 2250           clock  25.00Hz
  3840x2160 (0xef) 297.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  3840 start 5116 end 5204 total 5500 skew    0 clock  54.00KHz
        v: height 2160 start 2168 end 2178 total 2250           clock  24.00Hz
  3840x2160 (0xf0) 296.703MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  3840 start 4016 end 4104 total 4400 skew    0 clock  67.43KHz
        v: height 2160 start 2168 end 2178 total 2250           clock  29.97Hz
  3840x2160 (0xf1) 296.703MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  3840 start 5116 end 5204 total 5500 skew    0 clock  53.95KHz
        v: height 2160 start 2168 end 2178 total 2250           clock  23.98Hz
  2560x1440 (0xf2) 241.500MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  2560 start 2608 end 2640 total 2720 skew    0 clock  88.79KHz
        v: height 1440 start 1443 end 1448 total 1481           clock  59.95Hz
  1920x1080 (0xf3) 148.500MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew    0 clock  67.50KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125           clock  60.00Hz
  1920x1080 (0xf4) 148.500MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1920 start 2448 end 2492 total 2640 skew    0 clock  56.25KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125           clock  50.00Hz
  1920x1080 (0xf5) 148.352MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew    0 clock  67.43KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125           clock  59.94Hz
  1920x1080 (0xf6) 74.250MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew    0 clock  33.75KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125           clock  30.00Hz
  1920x1080 (0xf7) 74.250MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1920 start 2558 end 2602 total 2750 skew    0 clock  27.00KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125           clock  24.00Hz
  1920x1080 (0xf8) 74.176MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew    0 clock  33.72KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125           clock  29.97Hz
  1920x1080 (0xf9) 74.176MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1920 start 2558 end 2602 total 2750 skew    0 clock  26.97KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125           clock  23.98Hz
  1600x900 (0xfa) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1600 start 1624 end 1704 total 1800 skew    0 clock  60.00KHz
        v: height  900 start  901 end  904 total 1000           clock  60.00Hz
  1280x1024 (0x5e) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1328 end 1440 total 1688 skew    0 clock  63.98KHz
        v: height 1024 start 1025 end 1028 total 1066           clock  60.02Hz
  1280x800 (0x6d) 71.000MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1328 end 1360 total 1440 skew    0 clock  49.31KHz
        v: height  800 start  803 end  809 total  823           clock  59.91Hz
  1280x720 (0xfb) 74.250MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1390 end 1430 total 1650 skew    0 clock  45.00KHz
        v: height  720 start  725 end  730 total  750           clock  60.00Hz
  1280x720 (0xfc) 74.176MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1390 end 1430 total 1650 skew    0 clock  44.96KHz
        v: height  720 start  725 end  730 total  750           clock  59.94Hz
  1024x768 (0x7f) 65.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1344 skew    0 clock  48.36KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  777 total  806           clock  60.00Hz
  800x600 (0x9b) 40.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  840 end  968 total 1056 skew    0 clock  37.88KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  605 total  628           clock  60.32Hz
  720x576 (0xfd) 27.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   720 start  732 end  796 total  864 skew    0 clock  31.25KHz
        v: height  576 start  581 end  586 total  625           clock  50.00Hz
  720x480 (0xfe) 27.027MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   720 start  736 end  798 total  858 skew    0 clock  31.50KHz
        v: height  480 start  489 end  495 total  525           clock  60.00Hz
  720x480 (0xff) 27.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   720 start  736 end  798 total  858 skew    0 clock  31.47KHz
        v: height  480 start  489 end  495 total  525           clock  59.94Hz
  640x480 (0x100) 25.200MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  656 end  752 total  800 skew    0 clock  31.50KHz
        v: height  480 start  490 end  492 total  525           clock  60.00Hz
  640x480 (0xb6) 25.175MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  656 end  752 total  800 skew    0 clock  31.47KHz
        v: height  480 start  490 end  492 total  525           clock  59.94Hz
DP-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
	Identifier: 0x45
	Timestamp:  20233
	Subpixel:   unknown
	Clones:     HDMI-2
	CRTCs:      1 2 3 4
	Transform:  1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
	HDCP Content Type: HDCP Type0 
		supported: HDCP Type0, HDCP Type1
	Content Protection: Undesired 
		supported: Undesired, Desired, Enabled
	vrr_capable: 0 
		range: (0, 1)
	Colorspace: Default 
		supported: Default, RGB_Wide_Gamut_Fixed_Point, RGB_Wide_Gamut_Floating_Point, opRGB, DCI-P3_RGB_D65, BT2020_RGB, BT601_YCC, BT709_YCC, XVYCC_601, XVYCC_709, SYCC_601, opYCC_601, BT2020_CYCC, BT2020_YCC
	max bpc: 12 
		range: (6, 12)
	Broadcast RGB: Automatic 
		supported: Automatic, Full, Limited 16:235
	audio: auto 
		supported: force-dvi, off, auto, on
	subconnector: Unknown 
		supported: Unknown, VGA, DVI-D, HDMI, DP, Wireless, Native
	link-status: Good 
		supported: Good, Bad
		supported: 326
	non-desktop: 0 
		range: (0, 1)
HDMI-2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
	Identifier: 0x46
	Timestamp:  20233
	Subpixel:   unknown
	Clones:     DP-1
	CRTCs:      1 2 3 4
	Transform:  1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
	HDCP Content Type: HDCP Type0 
		supported: HDCP Type0, HDCP Type1
	Content Protection: Undesired 
		supported: Undesired, Desired, Enabled
	max bpc: 12 
		range: (8, 12)
	content type: No Data 
		supported: No Data, Graphics, Photo, Cinema, Game
	Colorspace: Default 
		supported: Default, SMPTE_170M_YCC, BT709_YCC, XVYCC_601, XVYCC_709, SYCC_601, opYCC_601, opRGB, BT2020_CYCC, BT2020_RGB, BT2020_YCC, DCI-P3_RGB_D65, DCI-P3_RGB_Theater
	aspect ratio: Automatic 
		supported: Automatic, 4:3, 16:9
	Broadcast RGB: Automatic 
		supported: Automatic, Full, Limited 16:235
	audio: auto 
		supported: force-dvi, off, auto, on
	link-status: Good 
		supported: Good, Bad
		supported: 335
	non-desktop: 0 
		range: (0, 1)
DP-1-0 connected primary 3840x2160+1920+0 (0x28f) normal (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 600mm x 340mm
	Identifier: 0x28e
	Timestamp:  20233
	Subpixel:   unknown
	Gamma:      1.0:0.99:0.97
	Brightness: 0.97
	CRTC:       0
	CRTCs:      0 5 6 7
	Transform:  1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
	PRIME Synchronization: 1 
		supported: 0, 1
	CTM: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 
		0 1 
	CscMatrix: 65536 0 0 0 0 65536 0 0 0 0 65536 0 
	BorderDimensions: 4 
		supported: 4
	Border: 0 0 0 0 
		range: (0, 65535)
	SignalFormat: DisplayPort 
		supported: DisplayPort
	ConnectorType: DisplayPort 
	ConnectorNumber: 2 
	_ConnectorLocation: 2 
	non-desktop: 0 
		supported: 0, 1
  3840x2160 (0x28f) 266.640MHz +HSync -VSync *current +preferred
        h: width  3840 start 3848 end 3992 total 4000 skew    0 clock  66.66KHz
        v: height 2160 start 2214 end 2219 total 2222           clock  30.00Hz
  2560x1440 (0xf2) 241.500MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  2560 start 2608 end 2640 total 2720 skew    0 clock  88.79KHz
        v: height 1440 start 1443 end 1448 total 1481           clock  59.95Hz
  1920x1080 (0xf3) 148.500MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew    0 clock  67.50KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125           clock  60.00Hz
  1920x1080 (0x290) 148.350MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew    0 clock  67.43KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125           clock  59.94Hz
  1600x900 (0xfa) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1600 start 1624 end 1704 total 1800 skew    0 clock  60.00KHz
        v: height  900 start  901 end  904 total 1000           clock  60.00Hz
  1280x1024 (0x5e) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1328 end 1440 total 1688 skew    0 clock  63.98KHz
        v: height 1024 start 1025 end 1028 total 1066           clock  60.02Hz
  1280x800 (0x6c) 83.500MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1352 end 1480 total 1680 skew    0 clock  49.70KHz
        v: height  800 start  803 end  809 total  831           clock  59.81Hz
  1280x720 (0xfb) 74.250MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1390 end 1430 total 1650 skew    0 clock  45.00KHz
        v: height  720 start  725 end  730 total  750           clock  60.00Hz
  1280x720 (0x291) 74.180MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1390 end 1430 total 1650 skew    0 clock  44.96KHz
        v: height  720 start  725 end  730 total  750           clock  59.94Hz
  1152x864 (0x292) 81.750MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1152 start 1216 end 1336 total 1520 skew    0 clock  53.78KHz
        v: height  864 start  867 end  871 total  897           clock  59.96Hz
  1024x768 (0x7f) 65.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1344 skew    0 clock  48.36KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  777 total  806           clock  60.00Hz
  800x600 (0x9b) 40.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  840 end  968 total 1056 skew    0 clock  37.88KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  605 total  628           clock  60.32Hz
  720x480 (0xff) 27.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   720 start  736 end  798 total  858 skew    0 clock  31.47KHz
        v: height  480 start  489 end  495 total  525           clock  59.94Hz
  640x480 (0xb6) 25.175MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  656 end  752 total  800 skew    0 clock  31.47KHz
        v: height  480 start  490 end  492 total  525           clock  59.94Hz
  640x480 (0x293) 25.170MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  656 end  752 total  800 skew    0 clock  31.46KHz
        v: height  480 start  490 end  492 total  525           clock  59.93Hz
DP-1-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
	Identifier: 0x294
	Timestamp:  20233
	Subpixel:   unknown
	CRTCs:      0 5 6 7
	Transform:  1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
	PRIME Synchronization: 1 
		supported: 0, 1
	CTM: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 
		0 1 
	CscMatrix: 65536 0 0 0 0 65536 0 0 0 0 65536 0 
	BorderDimensions: 4 
		supported: 4
	Border: 0 0 0 0 
		range: (0, 65535)
	SignalFormat: TMDS 
		supported: TMDS
	ConnectorType: DisplayPort 
	ConnectorNumber: 2 
	_ConnectorLocation: 2 
	non-desktop: 0 
		supported: 0, 1
DP-1-2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
	Identifier: 0x295
	Timestamp:  20233
	Subpixel:   unknown
	CRTCs:      0 5 6 7
	Transform:  1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
	PRIME Synchronization: 1 
		supported: 0, 1
	CTM: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 
		0 1 
	CscMatrix: 65536 0 0 0 0 65536 0 0 0 0 65536 0 
	BorderDimensions: 4 
		supported: 4
	Border: 0 0 0 0 
		range: (0, 65535)
	SignalFormat: DisplayPort 
		supported: DisplayPort
	ConnectorType: DisplayPort 
	ConnectorNumber: 4 
	_ConnectorLocation: 4 
	non-desktop: 0 
		supported: 0, 1
DP-1-3 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
	Identifier: 0x296
	Timestamp:  20233
	Subpixel:   unknown
	CRTCs:      0 5 6 7
	Transform:  1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
	PRIME Synchronization: 1 
		supported: 0, 1
	CTM: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 
		0 1 
	CscMatrix: 65536 0 0 0 0 65536 0 0 0 0 65536 0 
	BorderDimensions: 4 
		supported: 4
	Border: 0 0 0 0 
		range: (0, 65535)
	SignalFormat: TMDS 
		supported: TMDS
	ConnectorType: DisplayPort 
	ConnectorNumber: 4 
	_ConnectorLocation: 4 
	non-desktop: 0 
		supported: 0, 1
  2560x1440 (0xf2) 241.500MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  2560 start 2608 end 2640 total 2720 skew    0 clock  88.79KHz
        v: height 1440 start 1443 end 1448 total 1481           clock  59.95Hz
  1920x1080 (0xf3) 148.500MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew    0 clock  67.50KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125           clock  60.00Hz
  1600x900 (0xfa) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1600 start 1624 end 1704 total 1800 skew    0 clock  60.00KHz
        v: height  900 start  901 end  904 total 1000           clock  60.00Hz
  1280x1024 (0x5e) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1328 end 1440 total 1688 skew    0 clock  63.98KHz
        v: height 1024 start 1025 end 1028 total 1066           clock  60.02Hz
  1280x800 (0x6c) 83.500MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1352 end 1480 total 1680 skew    0 clock  49.70KHz
        v: height  800 start  803 end  809 total  831           clock  59.81Hz
  1280x720 (0xfb) 74.250MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1390 end 1430 total 1650 skew    0 clock  45.00KHz
        v: height  720 start  725 end  730 total  750           clock  60.00Hz
  1024x768 (0x7f) 65.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1344 skew    0 clock  48.36KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  777 total  806           clock  60.00Hz
  800x600 (0x9b) 40.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  840 end  968 total 1056 skew    0 clock  37.88KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  605 total  628           clock  60.32Hz
  720x480 (0xff) 27.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   720 start  736 end  798 total  858 skew    0 clock  31.47KHz
        v: height  480 start  489 end  495 total  525           clock  59.94Hz
  640x480 (0xb6) 25.175MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  656 end  752 total  800 skew    0 clock  31.47KHz
        v: height  480 start  490 end  492 total  525           clock  59.94Hz

Please run nvidia-bug-report.sh as root and attach the resulting nvidia-bug-report.log.gz file to your post.

1 Like

Here you go

nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (1.0 MB)

Looks like a driver bug, it’s a plain DP connection and the TV’s edid is advertising 4k@60. Please create /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/12-nvidia-modedebug.conf

Section "OutputClass"
    Identifier "nvidia-modedebug"
    MatchDriver "nvidia-drm"
    Driver "nvidia"
    Option "ModeDebug" "true"

then reboot and create a new nvidia-bug-report.log

1 Like

Created new nvidia-bug-report.log

nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (1.0 MB)

The driver complains about:

[     8.562] (WW) NVIDIA(GPU-0):     Mode is rejected: DP Bandwidth check failed.
[     8.562] (WW) NVIDIA(GPU-0):     GPU extended capability check failed.
[     8.562] (WW) NVIDIA(GPU-0):     Mode "3840x2160_60" is invalid.

which shouldn’t really happen. You can delete the extra config file.
Since you’re currently in offload mode, please check if this is also happening when switching to nvidia as primary gpu (sudo prime-select nvidia).
Please also try if you can work around it by creating /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/11-nvidia-dpbandwidth.conf

Section "OutputClass"
    Identifier "nvidia-dpbandwidth"
    MatchDriver "nvidia-drm"
    Driver "nvidia"
    Option "ModeValidation" "NoDisplayPortBandwidthCheck, NoExtendedGpuCapabilitiesCheck"
1 Like

When I write sudo prime-select nvidia

I get this:

$:/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d# prime-select nvidia
Info: selecting the nvidia profile
Deleting /lib/modprobe.d/nvidia-runtimepm.conf
Updating the initramfs. Please wait for the operation to complete:
/W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/skl_guc_62.0.0.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/bxt_guc_62.0.0.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_guc_62.0.0.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/glk_guc_62.0.0.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_guc_62.0.0.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_guc_62.0.0.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/cml_guc_62.0.0.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/icl_guc_62.0.0.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/ehl_guc_62.0.0.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/ehl_guc_62.0.0.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/tgl_huc_7.9.3.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/tgl_guc_62.0.0.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/tgl_huc_7.9.3.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/tgl_guc_62.0.0.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/tgl_huc_7.9.3.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/tgl_guc_62.0.0.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/tgl_huc_7.9.3.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/adlp_guc_62.0.3.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/tgl_dmc_ver2_12.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/rkl_dmc_ver2_03.bin for module i915

Then I created 11-nvidia-dpbandwidth.conf and restart the PC.

After that for the first time now I have the option to choose 30Hz or 60Hz after I selected 60Hz everything is freeze and I must push the power on/off button to restart the PC.

I’m now to Nvidia primary gpu

Here is the new nvidia-bug-report.log

nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (1.0 MB)

So seems it’s a hard bug, please remove the file again since it doesn’t help anyway.
Please check if upgrading to the 510 driver makes the 60Hz setting work.

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I installed a 510 driver, now only one monitor works, and I don’t have 60Hz only 30Hz.

The laptop and third monitors are black screen and _ and the top left corner.

Here is nvidia-bug-report-log

nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (1.0 MB)

Please delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf to get the other monitors back. Nevertheless, since the remaining monitor still only allows 30Hz, I guess the bug is still there.
Please mail all the nvidia-bug-report.log.gz with a description of the bug to linux-bugs[at]nvidia.com
Maybe that will help getting it fixed.

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Thank you very much for your help.

I sent an email to Nvidia.

Hi Springfield,
I have filed a bug 3549937 internally for tracking purpose. Shall try for local repro which will help team to debug issue faster.
Shall keep updated on the same and if required more information on repro setup or steps, I will get back to you.

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Hello, amrits,

I’m free to help any time.

You can contact me here or via email.

Thank you very much.

Tried repro on couple of systems but able to change refresh rates between 30 Hz and 60 Hz respectively.
One of the external monitor is connected via HDMI cable and other monitor via is connected via USB Type-c - USB Type-c.
Shall to find similar system model and retry for repro again.
Dell Precision 7730 + Ubuntu 20.04 LTS + kernel 5.13.0-30-generic + Quadro P4200 + Driver 510.54 + LG Electronics LG HDR 4K + BenQ EL2870U
Alienware m15 R7 + Ubuntu 20.04 LTS + 5.4.0-26-generic + NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti + Driver 510.54 + LG Electronics LG HDR 4K + BenQ EL2870U

root@oemqa-Precision-7730:~# xrandr -q
Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 11520 x 2160, maximum 32767 x 32767
DP-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP-2 connected 3840x2160+3840+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 600mm x 340mm
3840x2160 60.00*+ 30.00
2560x1440 59.95
1920x1080 60.00 59.94
1600x900 60.00
1280x1024 60.02
1280x800 59.81
1280x720 60.00 59.94
1152x864 59.96
1024x768 60.00
800x600 60.32
720x480 59.94
640x480 59.94 59.93
DP-3 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI-0 connected 3840x2160+7680+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 621mm x 341mm
3840x2160 60.00*+ 59.94 50.00 29.97 25.00 24.00 23.98
2560x1440 59.95
1920x1080 60.00 59.94 50.00 29.97 25.00 23.98 60.00 50.04
1680x1050 59.95
1600x1200 60.00
1600x900 60.00
1440x480 59.94
1280x1024 75.02 60.02
1280x800 59.81
1280x720 60.00 59.94 50.00
1024x768 75.03 60.00
800x600 75.00 60.32
720x576 50.00
720x480 59.94
640x480 75.00 59.94 59.93
DP-4 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP-5 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
eDP-1-1 connected primary 3840x2160+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 382mm x 214mm
3840x2160 60.02*+ 60.00 60.01 59.98 59.97 48.02
3200x1800 59.96 59.94
2880x1620 59.96 59.97
2560x1600 59.99 59.97
2560x1440 59.99 59.99 59.96 59.95
2048x1536 60.00
1920x1440 60.00
1856x1392 60.01
1792x1344 60.01
2048x1152 59.99 59.98 59.90 59.91
1920x1200 59.88 59.95
1920x1080 60.01 59.97 59.96 59.93
1600x1200 60.00
1680x1050 59.95 59.88
1600x1024 60.17
1400x1050 59.98
1600x900 59.99 59.94 59.95 59.82
1280x1024 60.02
1440x900 59.89
1400x900 59.96 59.88
1280x960 60.00
1440x810 60.00 59.97
1368x768 59.88 59.85
1360x768 59.80 59.96
1280x800 59.99 59.97 59.81 59.91
1152x864 60.00
1280x720 60.00 59.99 59.86 59.74
1024x768 60.04 60.00
960x720 60.00
928x696 60.05
896x672 60.01
1024x576 59.95 59.96 59.90 59.82
960x600 59.93 60.00
960x540 59.96 59.99 59.63 59.82
800x600 60.00 60.32 56.25
840x525 60.01 59.88
864x486 59.92 59.57
800x512 60.17
700x525 59.98
800x450 59.95 59.82
640x512 60.02
720x450 59.89
700x450 59.96 59.88
640x480 60.00 59.94
720x405 59.51 58.99
684x384 59.88 59.85
680x384 59.80 59.96
640x400 59.88 59.98
576x432 60.06
640x360 59.86 59.83 59.84 59.32
512x384 60.00
512x288 60.00 59.92
480x270 59.63 59.82
400x300 60.32 56.34
432x243 59.92 59.57
320x240 60.05
360x202 59.51 59.13
320x180 59.84 59.32
DP-1-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP-1-2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI-1-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP-1-3 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
2560x1440 (0x229) 241.500MHz +HSync -VSync
h: width 2560 start 2608 end 2640 total 2720 skew 0 clock 88.79KHz
v: height 1440 start 1443 end 1448 total 1481 clock 59.95Hz
1600x1200 (0x233) 162.000MHz +HSync +VSync
h: width 1600 start 1664 end 1856 total 2160 skew 0 clock 75.00KHz
v: height 1200 start 1201 end 1204 total 1250 clock 60.00Hz
1680x1050 (0x232) 146.250MHz -HSync +VSync
h: width 1680 start 1784 end 1960 total 2240 skew 0 clock 65.29KHz
v: height 1050 start 1053 end 1059 total 1089 clock 59.95Hz
1280x1024 (0x237) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
h: width 1280 start 1328 end 1440 total 1688 skew 0 clock 63.98KHz
v: height 1024 start 1025 end 1028 total 1066 clock 60.02Hz
1280x800 (0x238) 83.500MHz -HSync +VSync
h: width 1280 start 1352 end 1480 total 1680 skew 0 clock 49.70KHz
v: height 800 start 803 end 809 total 831 clock 59.81Hz
1024x768 (0x23d) 65.000MHz -HSync -VSync
h: width 1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1344 skew 0 clock 48.36KHz
v: height 768 start 771 end 777 total 806 clock 60.00Hz
800x600 (0x23f) 40.000MHz +HSync +VSync
h: width 800 start 840 end 968 total 1056 skew 0 clock 37.88KHz
v: height 600 start 601 end 605 total 628 clock 60.32Hz
640x480 (0x243) 25.175MHz -HSync -VSync
h: width 640 start 656 end 752 total 800 skew 0 clock 31.47KHz
v: height 480 start 490 end 492 total 525 clock 59.94Hz

root@oemqa-Precision-7730:~# xrandr --listmonitors
Monitors: 3
0: +*DP-0 3840/600x2160/340+0+0 DP-0
1: +HDMI-0 3840/621x2160/341+3840+0 HDMI-0
2: +eDP-1-1 3840/382x2160/214+7680+0 eDP-1-1

Can you please respond on below isolations if possible -

  1. Is issue reproducible with only single monitor connected via USB Type-c.
  2. Any idea about the last working driver version.

Yes, the issue is reproducible with only a single monitor connected via USB Type-c.

This never work before on Linux Mint. Works only on Windows 10.

Please help to provide bug report after setting Option “ModeDebug” “true” in the NVIDIA device section, or with X started with ‘-logverbose 6’


Here is the log after ModeDebug is set to true.


Will you be able to confirm in your setup that if Windows is using YCbCr420? The NVIDIA Control Panel should show it in the “Change Resolution” panel under “Output color format” .


This is in Windows


Thanks for the information, please help to provide below data for triage purpose.

Does it works on Windows if you manually sets it to RGB, or does it only work with YCbCr422? Is it possible to set YCbCr420 on Windows? Did you get different results on Linux if sets Option “ForceYUV420” “true” in the NVIDIA device section in xorg.conf ?