Hi, I am attempting to install tensorflow followed by deeplabcut on my Nvidia- “Jetson Nano 4gb” dev kit. I successfully followed the instructions until I was unable to install h5py.
I followed instructions and workarounds from developer.nvidia.com and other websites that I have detailed in the attachment “attempt_details.txt”
The error message I see is in the attachment “err.txt” is mainly “Failed building wheel for h5py”
And the jetpack version is 4.6 and is detailed in the attachment “jetpack_ver.txt”
I have checked both the posts on this website and both are not helpful in my case
error-failed-building-wheel-for-h5py/247623 (resolution: reflash)
=> I have tried reflashing multiple times but has not helped
failed-building-wheel-for-h5py-on-jetpack-4-6-1-on-xavier-nx/213890 (resolution: use jetpack 5.x)
=> Since Im using “Jetson Nano 4GB” (and not Xavier), upgrading to Jetson pack 5.x is not possible
After updating h5py I’m still getting an error.
I had to update numpy and a few other dependencies but the issue was still not solved.
With this method, I’ll have to even update the Ubuntu OS so it’s not a viable solution.
I bought Jetson Nano from the nvidia store and have just stuck to instructions on the nvidia website.