Failed to run DOCA DPA app and samples

Hi, I failed to run DOCA DPA samples(dpa_initiator_target and dpa_ping_pong) and DPA All-to-all application in DOCA 2.9.0 or 2.9.1LTS. The samples throw errors like:

sudo ./doca_dpa_ping_pong -pf_dev mlx5_0 -rdma_dev mlx5_2
[08:28:25:014313][521064][DOCA][INF][dpa_ping_pong_main.c:64][main] Starting the sample
[08:28:25:485171][521064][DOCA][ERR][linux_device_adapter.cpp:460][resolve_remote_mac] Failed to resolve remote MAC. ret=-22
[08:28:25:485216][521064][DOCA][ERR][doca_rdma.cpp:469][doca_rdma_connect] RDMA 0xffff9b3c2010: Failed to connect RDMA: querying remote MAC failed. err=DOCA_ERROR_UNKNOWN
[08:28:25:485226][521064][DOCA][ERR][dpa_ping_pong_sample.c:102][rdma_objs_init] Function doca_rdma_connect failed (Connection aborted)
[08:28:25:486452][521064][DOCA][WRN][doca_mmap.cpp:1926][doca_mmap_set_memrange] Mmap 0xaaab006643c0: Memory range isn't aligned to 64B - addr=0xfffff39e6ec8. For best performance using CPU memory, align address to 64B (cache-line size). For best performance using GPU memory, align address to 64KB (page size)
[08:28:25:490026][521064][DOCA][WRN][doca_mmap.cpp:1926][doca_mmap_set_memrange] Mmap 0xaaab00664a40: Memory range isn't aligned to 64B - addr=0xfffff39e6ec8. For best performance using CPU memory, align address to 64B (cache-line size). For best performance using GPU memory, align address to 64KB (page size)
[08:28:25:490998][521064][DOCA][ERR][dpa_ping_pong_sample.c:313][dpa_ping_pong] Function rdma_objs_init failed (Connection aborted)
[08:28:25:492905][521064][DOCA][ERR][dpa_ping_pong_main.c:92][main] dpa_ping_pong() encountered an error: Connection aborted
[08:28:25:740675][521064][DOCA][INF][dpa_ping_pong_main.c:112][main] Sample finished with errors

And the dpa all-to-all application threw the following error:

[08:12:56:474454][513852][DOCA][ERR][doca_sync_event.cpp:651][initialize_dpa] Sync_event 0xaaab04264e80: Failed to initialize dpa. can't create dpa sync_event with an extended dpa context

The samples and application work fine in DOCA 2.7 or DOCA 2.8, but doesn’t work when I upgrade DOCA to 2.9 or 2.9.1LTS by reinstalling the BF bundle.
What is the cause of these problems and what should I do to solve them?


Hello udeyx,

Welcome, and thank you for posting your inquiry to the NVIDIA Developer forums.

The reference applications provided within DOCA are not production-ready, and should be used as references only. For questions, comments, and feedback, please contact the mailing list at

Best regards,
NVIDIA Enterprise Experience

Thanks a lot for your response! I’ll reach out to the mailing list for further questions and feedback.