Failed Watchdog timeout in thread server_main in CloudXRRemoteHMD after 10.440015 seconds. Aborting

Hi @vrdev,

Thanks for prodding me to reply. We did figure out a workaround last week. It turns out this issue is related specifically to AWS machines with EBS. When you start an EBS-backed machine in AWS, the EBS volume needs to be hydrated from the snapshot that it is based on. The snapshot data is backed by S3, and therefore is very slow for the first read of data from the volume. We are now using a little PowerShell script to basically cat {files} > /dev/null for all the files in the CloudXR and SteamVR directories before we start SteamVR. This hydrates those files into the volume so that they are fast, and we haven’t had issues crashing since then. More information on this is here: Initialize Amazon EBS volumes - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud . Hope this helps.
