Fedora/Waylan dosen't reconize my second monitor on GTX950M after Nvidia driver

Hello everyone,
Sorry for the probally bruttissimo topic, i’m new in it.
the past days i’ve installed nvidia driver fro .run file (NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-550.127.05) the installation is completed with no error, and the driver seems look well, but after the restart, fedora with wayland dosen’t reconize my second monitor.
Before nvidia installation driver I’ve crash and freeze problems on this 2th monitor.
Can I do something for resolve this?
Thx for your time and patience T.T

nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (827.0 KB)

It’s work T.T … the problem maybe is related to not correct way to startup the nvidia driver and pass the Kernel parameters…
I’m testing the operability of driver and second monitor
Sorry :)