Flash Jetson Nano OS stuck at 99.9%

I have the same issue on Ubuntu 18.04, Nano Devaloper Kit. No VMs, just OS on the host. I uncheked “host”. JetPack 4.3 (requered for us). Is there any resolution for now?

The original issue was from April of 2019, and the versions currently available are far different from then. I will recommend starting a new topic and including:

  • Current JetPack/SDK Manager release used, or the image being used.
  • Whether this is an eMMC version or microSD (and also if the carrier board is not from the dev kit).
  • A log of the flash to see what actually failed and what went on with steps prior to the failing step.
  • Whether the provided micro-B USB cable is used, or another cable.
  • Whether you have a monitor attached, and if the monitor is natively HDMI or using adapters.
  • Whether it was the flash which failed, or if it was the boot after the flash which failed.
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