the Jetson board needs to be connected to the HOST PC via the recovery port; It also needs to be in the recovery mode;
What is the output of lsusb
after conencting the board and putting it into the recovery mode?
once the nvidia corp with correct parameters is reflected in lsusb outputs it will be possible to probe it by sdkmanager, whatever
if the board is connected and listed as in the recovery mode it might be a software or access permissions issue;
could you either uninstall the current jetpack, then reinstall or try the following:
Thanks for the support. I used the command that you provided and I get the below message.
sudo sdkmanager --cli install --user somasundaram.s@ --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.4 --targetos Linux --target P2888-0001 --flash all --targetimagefolder /home/somasundaram/nvidia/installation_agx --downloadfolder /home/somasundaram/nvidia
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Target Image is already installed on this host machine (/home/somasundaram/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.4_Linux_JETSON_AGX_XAVIER). Please use SDK Manager to uninstall the Target Image, or select a different location using ‘targetimagefolder’.
I used uninstall, but the output remains the same. Check below,
sudo sdkmanager --cli uninstall --user somasundaram.s@ --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.4 --targetos Linux --target P2888-0001 --flash all --targetimagefolder /home/somasundaram/nvidia/installation_agx --downloadfolder /home/somasundaram/nvidia
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Target Image is already installed on this host machine (/home/somasundaram/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.4_Linux_JETSON_AGX_XAVIER). Please use SDK Manager to uninstall the Target Image, or select a different location using 'targetimagefolder
sudo sdkmanager --cli uninstall --user somasundaram.s@ --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version 4.3 --targetos Linux --target P2888-0001 --flash all --targetimagefolder /home/somasundaram/nvidia/installation_agx --downloadfolder /home/somasundaram/nvidia
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Target Image is already installed on this host machine (/home/somasundaram/nvidia/nvidia_sdk_4.2/JetPack_4.3_Linux_JETSON_AGX_XAVIER). Please use SDK Manager to uninstall the Target Image, or select a different location using ‘targetimagefolder’.
it points out that uninstallation or change of paths will need to be done
Target Image is already installed on this host machine (/home/somasundaram/nvidia/nvidia_sdk_4.2/JetPack_4.3_Linux_JETSON_AGX_XAVIER). Please use SDK Manager to uninstall the Target Image, or select a different location using ‘targetimagefolder’.
the uninstallation procedure is straightforward.
you could use unique path & targetimagefolder
it is an alternative for uninstallation, as it seems to me
did the uninstallation ever succeed?
uninstallation argument should result in uninstallation menu that manages the uninstallation procedure.
once uninstalled successfully it would be able to install to the same target folder;
without uninstaling it might still be possible to manually set just differnt targetfolder value
does the graphical sdkmanager also fail uninstalling?
does the headless sdk open the uninstall dialog ever?
I would uninstall the sdkmanager itself and would erase all folders, thne downloaded the latest sdkmanager, then make sure that all images are uninstalled from it; then would try again
Did you at all take steps to uninstall the target image after firing up the headless sdk command? Ddi it open any pop up window? or uninstall interface?
are you using the devkit AGX ? or a module with custom carrier board? industrial module? else?
do you have usb-c port on your HOST PC to try flashing with cable
usb-c <-> usb-c ?
I have USB -C port. But I dont have a USB C ↔ USB C connector. Instead, suggest if I can use the USB female to USB-C connector that came with the module to join the USB Male to USB Connector ?