Main question: Can we expect that Jetpack 6 -final will install/flash on a ‘seed J40’ Orin NX unit?
Currently this does not work. I have tried to put JP 6 on an Orin NX 16, all attempts failed with various errors.
It did not work from a stand-alone Linux machine and also not from within a VM. (all Ubuntu 22.04)
On the seeed forum they say that the 'seeed J40 'currently is not compatible with JP 6 but that they want to make it compatible in the future.
Apart from this, I would expect that also JetPack 6 should work with this hardware (same as JP5 already did).
Regarding my Orin: Finally I was able to unbrick it by installing JP 5.3 from within a Ubuntu 20.4 VM, which is only partly helpful since our development happens on Ubuntu 22.04.
Strangely it said:
“INSTALLATION COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY Flash of Target hardware was skipped”
For example, even seeed forum told about their board is not compatible with jp6. Unless I know what is going on there and make this not able to flash, I cannot comment.
We would really like to buy a original nvidia carrier board, just the only carrier from nvidia I have seen is labelled as ‘for orin nano’ - does this also work for NX? (sorry if I have overlooked some obvious…)
I mean, there should be at least one type of hardware that’s officially supported, please!