Preflashed Jetson Orin NX will not boot up / Refuses to communicate with Host-PC to reflash

I was under the impression my Orin did not display correctly but the seems to lie in the boot process instead.
I ordered a j40 series Jetson Orin NX 16GB from Seedstudio and the product information and datasheet suggests the Orin would come preflashed with utilities preinstalled however upon booting up the monitor would not display after the intitial NVIDIA logo had disappeared.
When entering the boot menu and manually selecting the onboard harddrive aswell as other boot device to test the system the Orin would not boot on any of them.

So i attempted to reflash the Orin using SDK Manager on my Host PC running Ubuntu 22.4 however upon putting the Orin in Force Recovery mode and connecting it via USBc the Orin was not detected by the Ubuntu PC and hence reflashing was rendered unviable.

Using safe boot mode in the boot menu is something I have yet to try because the option was inaccessible even in custom boot mode.

I am new to Devkit and at my wits end so any help would be apprechiated

PS: I have the Seeedstudio version

  1. check if your flash cable really has data line but not just a charge cable.

  2. check lsusb on your host PC after you make sure the board is in recovery mode.

  3. check with vendor if the port is really the flash port. Only one usb port can be sued to flash.

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