Hey there,
I recently purchased the Jetson Orin NX J40 16GB and wanted to boot it up for the first time however upon setting everything up and the Jetson Orin powering up my monitor only displayed the NVIDIA Logo and afterwards went to black and only displayed “display not supported”.
As the J40 Series should come with utilities and Jetpack preinstalled I assumed initial start up should not be an issue with an already initialized OS and drivers.
My Hostpc however did not recognize the Orin after putting it force recovery aswell. So reflashing it is also problematic.
I am new to NVIDIA Devkits and at my Wits end.
The Datasheet eludes to HDMI being supported and the board does have an hdmi port.
Thank you for the quick reply.
The model I have is Seeed Studios’ Jetson Orin 4012 and NVIDIA is listed as a manufacturer so I would assume it is an official board. However the board does only have an hdmi input which appears counterintuitive if hdmi really is not supported.
The datasheet does not matter. What you said does not matter either. This is just a copy from NV datasheet…
Orin only supports one kind of display at each time. If you want to support another kind, then you need to move to another BSP software and do the reflash.
If your vendor flashes the board with DP configuration, then using HDMI might be problem. That is what I wanted to say and what you should check with vendor…