have been facing an issue with Jetson AGX Orin. The Orin was flashed and all the necessary programming was already done and the project was ready to be deployed. All of sudden, the Orin did not boot the OS and we are unable to start our programs. This is the case with all the Orins that we purchased recently. One Orin was flashed with Jetpack 5.0.2 version and the other one is flashed with Jetpack 5.1.1. We are not even able to see anything on the display when the HDMI port is connected.
For our application, we just have two lidars, line guided sensor and motor driver communicating in RS485 communication. We do not have any AI based models or Vision applications running. Please provide us the solution to resolve this issue.
I have an Orin which is not power up at all, when I connect USB-C type. ollowing Procedure is being followed-
-Connecting the Data cable from Orin to PC
-Holding the middle button and inserting the power cable, in order to put it in the recovery mode
At this step, the Orin should power up and NVIDIA SDK Manager should be able to detect the Orin. In our case, this Orin does not power up at all when connected to PC.
On the other hand it powers up when the data cable is disconnected from the PC, but it is not detected by NVIDIA SDK Manager
Above steps were being followed to flash the Jetpack for 4 other Orins that we have on site and were successfully be able to do so. This Orin has an issue.
please dump the log since the beginning you restart or power on the board. The log you shared is already too late to check.
BTW, I am sure your board has power and can power on. Looks like just software problem so far.
The log is not complete but it indicates the boot process is still running.