Flexlm error while compiling fortarn

i have using 5 user pgi workstation in two machines it is running Ok but
another two machines it is generating error while compile the program
the error is
when i enter this command
pgf90 test.f i m using Linux9.0 O.S
the error is
The License key & Data for the feature donot match
flexlm error -8130

but i install the license file correctly from internet and moreover i have installed this s/w previously two machines there it run correctly

Then i check configuration I seen that in previous two machines the /usr/pgi license.dat file use 5.1 version but later license file is
uses 5.2 then i download new s/w and copy licencse file but problem is still occur

can u tell me the exact problem and what is the solution for this problem

sandeep gupta

Sandeep –

In general, you want the same license file on all of your systems with
compilers installed as the license file that is running on the license server.

In your case, it sounds like you have a 5 user PGI Server, so you’ll need
to make sure that the license file from the license server is pushed
around to all the hosts where the software is installed.

If you need further help, please send mail to license@pgroup.com,
attention “John”, and I’ll get the mail. Specifically, I’m going to want
to know you PGI PIN so that I can look up your license history.
