Font size changed after boot

I recently got the jetson nano 2GB and have been playing around with it for a while. I didn’t really run into troubles until this morning when I turn the nano on, the icon became larger and font size became too small to read. I was able to increase the icon font size under the desktop preference but couldn’t change any other font size under customise look and feel.
Can someone help me with this?


Hi @WilliammB, can you try the suggestions from this topic?

I played around with the customize look and feel settings and got most of the font size fixed, the desktop still looks kinda weird but it didn’t really affect me doing work on it. After about like 5 hours of working on the nano, I rebooted it then everything including icon sizes, and text font changed back to the correct form for some reason. Even tho it fixed itself, I still feel it’s kinda weird cuz I tried to reboot it earlier but it didn’t work.

Thanks for your help!

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