Full disk encryption on Jetson nano

As per my understanding Jetson Nano supports secure boot but does not support full disk encryption.
Reference - https://docs.nvidia.com/jetson/l4t/index.html#page/Tegra%20Linux%20Driver%20Package%20Development%20Guide/security.html#

I have found that it can be achieved by third party TPM module.

My question is can we have FDE on nano without TPM?

Thanks in advance for support.


hello sapana_khemkar,

this disk encryption support is based-on Trusty; but trusty does not support on Jetson Nano.
please refer to developer guide, Trusty, a Trusted Execution Environment;
you should also check similar discussion thread, Topic 175826 for reference.

Do we have any workaround to support FDE on nano?

hello sapana_khemkar,

may I confirm what’s FDE you mentioned about?