Get_world_poses do not work when training in headless=True


I have a robotic arm that a box attached to the end of the arm, I am using this method to get the Geometry

self._head = GeometryPrimView(prim_paths_expr="/World/Head", name="head_view" , reset_xform_properties=False)

and then use this function to get the position


this works well when training in headless=False, however when I change the headless=True, the value of the get_world_poses() do not change, what is the problem?

Can anybody help me???


Hi @convertersoft
Can you please provide a script that reproduces the problem

Hi @Hammad_M

sure, here you are

# Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
# and any modifications thereto.  Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.

from dis import dis
from omni.isaac.core.utils.nucleus import get_assets_root_path
from omni.isaac.core.utils.stage import add_reference_to_stage
from omni.isaac.core.tasks.base_task import BaseTask
from omni.isaac.core.articulations import ArticulationView
from omni.isaac.core.utils.prims import create_prim
from omni.isaac.core.prims import RigidPrimView, RigidPrim, GeometryPrimView , GeometryPrim

import omni.kit

from gym import spaces
import numpy as np
import torch
import math
import random

class CartpoleTask(BaseTask):
    def __init__(self, name, offset=None) -> None:

        # task-specific parameters
        self._cartpole_position = [0.0, 0.0, 2.0]
        self._reset_dist = 0.2
        self._max_push_effort = 50000.0

        # set stage
        usd_context = omni.usd.get_context()
        self._stage = usd_context.get_stage()

        # values used for defining RL buffers
        self._num_observations = 11
        self._num_actions = 5
        self._device = "cpu"
        self.num_envs = 1

        # a few class buffers to store RL-related states
        self.obs = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, self._num_observations))
        self.resets = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, 1))

        # set the action and observation space for RL
        self.action_space = spaces.Box(np.ones(self._num_actions) * -1.0, np.ones(self._num_actions) * 1.0)
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(
            np.ones(self._num_observations) * -np.Inf, np.ones(self._num_observations) * np.Inf

        # trigger __init__ of parent class
        BaseTask.__init__(self, name=name, offset=offset)

    def set_up_scene(self, scene) -> None:
        # retrieve file path for the Cartpole USD file
        # assets_root_path = get_assets_root_path()
        usd_path = "G:\Omniverse\Isaac Sim\Robohouse\Modules\Robotic Arm\kr210-r3100-ultra.project.usd"
        # add the Cartpole USD to our stage
        # create_prim(prim_path="/World/Cartpole", prim_type="Xform", position=self._cartpole_position)
        add_reference_to_stage(usd_path, "/World")
        # create an ArticulationView wrapper for our cartpole - this can be extended towards accessing multiple cartpoles
        self._robot_arm = ArticulationView(prim_paths_expr="/World/kr210_r3100_ultra", name="robot_view")
        # add Cartpole ArticulationView and ground plane to the Scene

        self._head = GeometryPrimView(prim_paths_expr="/World/kr210_r3100_ultra/axis_6_kr210_r3100_ultra/kr210_r3100_ultra_sldasm_part_93/kr210_r3100_ultra_sldasm_part_93", name="head_view" , reset_xform_properties=False)

        self._target = GeometryPrimView(prim_paths_expr="/World/Target", name="target_view", reset_xform_properties=False)

        # set default camera viewport position and target

    def set_initial_camera_params(self, camera_position=[10, 10, 3], camera_target=[0, 0, 0]):
        viewport = omni.kit.viewport_legacy.get_default_viewport_window()
            "/OmniverseKit_Persp", camera_position[0], camera_position[1], camera_position[2], True
        viewport.set_camera_target("/OmniverseKit_Persp", camera_target[0], camera_target[1], camera_target[2], True)

    def post_reset(self):
        self._axis_1 = self._robot_arm.get_dof_index("RevoluteJoint_Axis_1_Axis_2")
        self._axis_2 = self._robot_arm.get_dof_index("RevoluteJoint_Axis_2_Axis_3")
        self._axis_3 = self._robot_arm.get_dof_index("RevoluteJoint_Axis_3_Axis_4")
        self._axis_4 = self._robot_arm.get_dof_index("RevoluteJoint_Axis_4_Axis_5")
        self._axis_5 = self._robot_arm.get_dof_index("RevoluteJoint_Axis_5_Axis_6")

        # self._cart_dof_idx = self._robot_arm.get_dof_index("cartJoint")
        # self._pole_dof_idx = self._robot_arm.get_dof_index("poleJoint")
        # randomize all envs
        indices = torch.arange(self._robot_arm.count, dtype=torch.int64, device=self._device)

    def reset(self, env_ids=None):
        if env_ids is None:
            env_ids = torch.arange(self.num_envs, device=self._device)
        num_resets = len(env_ids)

        # set target to random position
        self._target.set_world_poses(positions = torch.FloatTensor( [[1.4, random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(.7, 2.8)]]))

        print("reset called")
        self._last_distance = 2000
        self._steps = 0

        # randomize DOF positions
        dof_pos = torch.zeros((num_resets, self._robot_arm.num_dof), device=self._device)
        dof_pos[:, self._axis_1] = 0
        dof_pos[:, self._axis_2] = 0
        dof_pos[:, self._axis_3] = 0
        dof_pos[:, self._axis_4] = 0
        dof_pos[:, self._axis_5] = 0

        # dof_pos[:, self._cart_dof_idx] = 1.0 * (1.0 - 2.0 * torch.rand(num_resets, device=self._device))
        # dof_pos[:, self._pole_dof_idx] = 0.125 * math.pi * (1.0 - 2.0 * torch.rand(num_resets, device=self._device))

        # randomize DOF velocities
        dof_vel = torch.zeros((num_resets, self._robot_arm.num_dof), device=self._device)
        dof_vel[:, self._axis_1] = 0
        dof_vel[:, self._axis_2] = 0
        dof_vel[:, self._axis_3] = 0
        dof_vel[:, self._axis_4] = 0
        dof_vel[:, self._axis_5] = 0
        # dof_vel[:, self._cart_dof_idx] = 0.5 * (1.0 - 2.0 * torch.rand(num_resets, device=self._device))
        # dof_vel[:, self._pole_dof_idx] = 0.25 * math.pi * (1.0 - 2.0 * torch.rand(num_resets, device=self._device))

        # apply resets
        indices =
        self._robot_arm.set_joint_positions(dof_pos, indices=indices)
        self._robot_arm.set_joint_velocities(dof_vel, indices=indices)

        # bookkeeping
        self.resets[env_ids] = 0

    def pre_physics_step(self, actions) -> None:
        reset_env_ids = self.resets.nonzero(as_tuple=False).squeeze(-1)
        if len(reset_env_ids) > 0:

        # print("pre_physics_step" , actions[0])    
        # increase steps
        self._steps += 1
        actions = torch.tensor(actions)

        forces = torch.zeros((self._robot_arm.count, self._robot_arm.num_dof), dtype=torch.float32, device=self._device)
        # forces[:, self._cart_dof_idx] = self._max_push_effort * actions[0]
        forces[:, self._axis_1] = self._max_push_effort * actions[0]
        forces[:, self._axis_2] = self._max_push_effort * actions[1]
        forces[:, self._axis_3] = self._max_push_effort * actions[2]
        forces[:, self._axis_4] = self._max_push_effort * actions[3]
        forces[:, self._axis_5] = self._max_push_effort * actions[4]

        indices = torch.arange(self._robot_arm.count, dtype=torch.int32, device=self._device)
        self._robot_arm.set_joint_efforts(forces, indices=indices)

    def get_observations(self):
        dof_pos = self._robot_arm.get_joint_positions()

        # collect pole and cart joint positions and velocities for observation
        # cart_pos = dof_pos[:, self._cart_dof_idx]
        # cart_vel = dof_vel[:, self._cart_dof_idx]
        # pole_pos = dof_pos[:, self._pole_dof_idx]
        # pole_vel = dof_vel[:, self._pole_dof_idx]

        # self.obs[:, 0] = cart_pos
        # self.obs[:, 1] = cart_vel
        # self.obs[:, 2] = pole_pos
        # self.obs[:, 3] = pole_vel

        axis_1_pos = dof_pos[:, self._axis_1]
        axis_2_pos = dof_pos[:, self._axis_2]
        axis_3_pos = dof_pos[:, self._axis_3]
        axis_4_pos = dof_pos[:, self._axis_4]
        axis_5_pos = dof_pos[:, self._axis_5]

        # print(axis_2_pos)
        targetPose = self._target.get_world_poses()
        headPose = self._head.get_world_poses()

        robotArmPoses = self._robot_arm.get_world_poses(
            clone = False)
        # print(robotArmPoses)

        # print(headPose)

        # we have to take a look at the position of the target and head
        # head_pos = self.get_object_position("/World/kr210_r3100_ultra/axis_6_kr210_r3100_ultra/kr210_r3100_ultra_sldasm_part_93/kr210_r3100_ultra_sldasm_part_93")
        # target_pos = self.get_object_position("/World/Target")
        # print("axis 5 is " , type(head_pos) , head_pos[0])

        self.obs[:, 0] = axis_1_pos
        self.obs[:, 1] = axis_2_pos
        self.obs[:, 2] = axis_3_pos
        self.obs[:, 3] = axis_4_pos
        self.obs[:, 4] = axis_5_pos

        # we have to assign the values
        # Head
        self.obs[:, 5] =  headPose[0][0][0]
        self.obs[:, 6] =  headPose[0][0][1]
        self.obs[:, 7] =  headPose[0][0][2]

        # Target
        self.obs[:, 8] = targetPose[0][0][0]
        self.obs[:, 9] = targetPose[0][0][1]
        self.obs[:, 10] = targetPose[0][0][2]

        return self.obs
    def get_object_position(self , prim_path):
        import omni
        from pxr import UsdGeom, Gf
        timeline = omni.timeline.get_timeline_interface()
        timecode = timeline.get_current_time() * timeline.get_time_codes_per_seconds()
        curr_prim = self._stage.GetPrimAtPath(prim_path)
        pose = omni.usd.utils.get_world_transform_matrix(curr_prim, timecode)
        # print(timecode)

        # print(prim_path , pose.ExtractTranslation())
        return pose.ExtractTranslation()

    def calculate_metrics(self) -> None:

        head_pos = np.array([self.obs[:, 5] , self.obs[:, 6] , self.obs[:, 7]])
        target_pos = np.array([self.obs[:, 8] , self.obs[:, 9] , self.obs[:, 10]])

        # add negative reward
        reward = 0.1

        dist = np.linalg.norm(head_pos - target_pos)
        # print("distance" , dist)
        # if dist < self._last_distance:
        #     self._last_distance = dist\
        reward += 1.0  / dist

        if dist < 0.2:
            reward += 5000
        # print("distance is ", dist)

        # compute reward based on angle of pole and cart velocity

        reward = torch.FloatTensor([reward])
        # max_distance = 2
        # reward = torch.where(torch.abs(torch.FloatTensor([dist])) > max_distance, torch.ones_like(reward) * -2.0, reward)

        return reward.item()
    def is_done(self) -> None:
        head_pos = np.array([self.obs[:, 5] , self.obs[:, 6] , self.obs[:, 7]])
        target_pos = np.array([self.obs[:, 8] , self.obs[:, 9] , self.obs[:, 10]])

        dist = np.linalg.norm(head_pos - target_pos)

        dist =  torch.FloatTensor([dist])

        if dist < self._reset_dist:
            print("Reached Target") 

        # reset the robot if cart has reached reset_dist or pole is too far from upright
        resets = torch.where(dist < self._reset_dist, 1, 0)
        resets = torch.where(torch.FloatTensor([self._steps]) > 400, 1, resets)
        # resets = torch.where(torch.abs(pole_pos) > math.pi / 2, 1, resets)
        self.resets = resets

        return resets.item()

Is there any news about this problem?

is there any solution for this?

After investigating more, I realized that this method is returning constant value when headless=True

def get_world_poses(
        self, indices: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, list, torch.Tensor]] = None
    ) -> Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]:
        """ Returns the poses (positions and orientations) of the prims in the view with respect to the world frame.

            indices (Optional[Union[np.ndarray, list, torch.Tensor]], optional): indicies to specify which prims 
                                                                                 to query. Shape (M,).
                                                                                 Where M <= size of the encapsulated prims in the view.
                                                                                 Defaults to None (i.e: all prims in the view).

            Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]: first index is positions in the world frame of the prims. shape is (M, 3). 
                                                                                     second index is quaternion orientations in the world frame of the prims.
                                                                                     quaternion is scalar-first (w, x, y, z). shape is (M, 4).
        indices = self._backend_utils.resolve_indices(indices, self.count, self._device)


        positions = self._backend_utils.create_zeros_tensor([indices.shape[0], 3], dtype="float32", device=self._device)

        orientations = self._backend_utils.create_zeros_tensor(
            [indices.shape[0], 4], dtype="float32", device=self._device
        write_idx = 0
        for i in indices:
            prim_tf = UsdGeom.Xformable(self._prims[i.tolist()]).ComputeLocalToWorldTransform(Usd.TimeCode.Default())
            transform = Gf.Transform()
            positions[write_idx] = self._backend_utils.create_tensor_from_list(
                transform.GetTranslation(), dtype="float32", device=self._device
            orientations[write_idx] = self._backend_utils.gf_quat_to_tensor(
                transform.GetRotation().GetQuat(), device=self._device

            # print(prim_tf)
            write_idx += 1
        return positions, orientations

Now, What can I do?

Hi @convertersoft,
are you still having this problem? If you can provide a reproducible script with the USD you are using that would be great. We can’t reproduce this problem on our end.

In order to verify this quickly you can check out standalone_examples/api/omni.isaac.core/ example and run it in both headless and non headless modes. You will notice the position printed on the terminal is indeed changing.

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