When I pressed ctrl+C to move to the next pin output, the sine wave continued to appear on the screen, and when I disconnected the oscilloscope probe and reconnected it, the sine wave disappeared.
On the other hand, on pins 11, 16, 29, 31, 32, and 33, the voltage was as expected, taking a value of 0 or 3V every 250ms, as shown below.
From notes Trumany provided, I see that the output of the level-shifted pin is sine wave of 33MHz and the output on pins that are not level-shifted are as expected.
However, I still do not know how to wire it to get the expected voltage from level-shifted pins.
The current wiring of the oscilloscope and Xavier is as follows.
I am just suggesting adding 10k ohm as a test. For now you could just use wire wrap or 0.1" pin crimp connectors on a 10k resistor. I suspect (but don’t know for sure) that if the level shift is under a slight load it might again be square wave.
Thank you all.
As Trumany said, I removed the 10kΩ resistor and attached the oscilloscope ground to Pin 39 and the oscilloscope probe directly to the pin whose voltage I wanted to know. Then I was able to measure the voltage as expected on all pins.
My knowledge of the oscilloscope was incorrect and I had installed a 10kΩ resistor.
I don’t understand exactly why the 10kΩ resistor didn’t give me the correct waveform, but I am happy to have solved the problem.