I am using the PX2. The platform is Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I input the “lspcl-nnk” command in the terminal and the output is “3D controller[0302]: NVIDIA corporation Device[10de:1c35], kernel driver in use:nvgpu”. it seems the driver of this PX2 is 3D controller, but when we input the “nvidia-smi”, it showed “command not found”. So I’m curious that if my driver is right or where I can download the right driver?
Dear yimiao,
nvidia-smi is not supported on board. Please check running /usr/local/cuda/samples/1_Utilities/deviceQuery sample to know GPU details
I tried to run the “deviceQuery.cpp” code in the sample, but it gave the error message " cuda_runtime.h: No such file or directory ". And when I tried to run “nvcc”, it showed “cannot execute binary file: Exec format error”. I’m not sure how to solve these problems.
Dear yimiao,
When you flash DRIVE PX2 using sdkmanager, GPU drivers gets installed on the board. You do not need to install any drivers.
Compilation of deviceQuery sample is expected to run out of the box if the flashing is successful.
cd /usr/local/cuda/samples/1_Utilities/deviceQuery
sudo make
The above command should compile the sample with out any issue.
Thank you for your reply! However (1)When we run “sudo make”, error message shows:" nvcc: Syntax error : “)” unexpected ". Will you have any idea what’s the problem is? (2) Besides, several days before, after the installation of CUDA10.0 finished, there is a line in summary message: " Driver: Not Selected ". That’s why we thought we need to install the driver.
Dear yimiao,
The last release for DRIVE PX 2 has CUDA 9.2 when you flash using SDKManager. So could you confirm, Are you trying to compile the sample on DRIVE PX2 or Host PC?
Hum, we are indeed using the DRIVE PX2. However, we are continuing with the last year’s project, followed the instruction of documentation, we updated the version of CUDA…(uninstalled the old one)So, think the problem may be caused by this… Should we back to installed CUDA9.2 again?
Dear yimiao,
Please flash your board with latest DRIVE PX2 release using sdkmanager. Please check https://developer.nvidia.com/drive/downloads
Thanks for your suggestion!
We downloaded the sdkmanager and tried to run it. But it is for the AMD. However, our system is ARM. I didn’t find the right sdkmanager for the ARM. Do you have any ideas what should we do?
Hi yimiao,
The SDKM only can support x64 desktop/laptop system with host OS Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04, there is no version for running on ARM.
Thanks for your reply. We already finished the flash with SDKManager. Thanks for your suggestion!