Grab raw image through libargus but images are unable to satisfy requirements

I had grab images from 4 cameras or 8 cameras by libargus successfully, but when I grab images from 8 cameras by libargus, there is something wrong with the images. Firstly, there seems to be frame-skip at the images from one camera; secondly, the newest image seem to mix some pixels from last image, the images I got are as follows.
Besides, I had replaced the newest get from link below:

hello buaa_hebiao,

okay, it seems you’re working with JetPack-4.2 (l4t-r32.1).
may I know what’s your sensor capability and also your commands to capture these images.

hello JerryChang,
Thanks for your reply, I’m working with JetPack-4.2 now, the image I got from sensor is 1280*768@40fps, raw10 type, I used libargus application reference to TegraMultiMedia demo code. I linked 8 camera using vc-id #0 and #1 firstly, and used OpenCv to show video, the images I got is as above mention, but when I linked 4 camera using vc-id #0, and used OpenCv to show video, the images are good, how can I get normal images from 8 camera using vc-id #0 and #1?

hello buaa_hebiao,

please check below…

  1. please use libargus to capture the images, are you still get abnormal images by exclude OpenCV.
  2. may I know what’s your connection to configure these 8 sensors.

hello JerryChang,
Thanks for your reply, I’m using libargus to capture images and show images through OpenCV, when I saved images exclude OpenCV, the images are still abnormal. I used 4 UB960 chips to expand CSI, which are capable of getting 16 cameras’ images through vc-id, it worked normal when I linked a camera to an UB960, but when I linked 2 cameras to an UB960 chip, the images seem to be abnormal.

hello buaa_hebiao,

may I know what’s your settings by linked 2 cameras to an UB960 chip.
could you please share a code snippet of your device tree configuration,

hello JerryChang,
Thanks for your reply, I have sent the device tree to you through private message.

hello JerryChang,
I have tried to grab images from 8 cameras with V4L2 applications and showed images through OpenCV, which worked normal, but I prefer to using libargus in my program, can you help me to locate the problem?

hello buaa_hebiao,

your design has beyond the hardware support capability,
please refer to the [Port Index] session in the Sensor Driver Programming Guide for the mapping diagram.