>I understand GRID cards can present as Quadro variants to VMs. Is it supported to present Grid K2 hardware as a Tesla K10 to a VM?
If I understand your question correctly, you are trying to perform compute in a VM on a GPU, as you’d perform graphics on a GPU. For this, you’d require the full NVIDIA driver presented to the VM, which will not occur in Hyper-V. In Hyper-V, the NVIDIA driver is intercepted. Please check to be sure your h/w configuration is supported by your chosen hypervisor vendor, and OEM platform vendor, containing NVIDIA GRID cards.
It’s not possible to present the K2 as different cards, they have Quadro profiles for vGPU, but these do not correlate to physical Quadro cards.
As Eric has stated, you can use the K2 as a compute card, but you would need to use a different hypervisor (XenServer, vSphere or RHEL KVM) and configure it via nvidia-smi to run as compute.
You could always use the K10 if you specifically need that card, though you’d need to check with the hypervisor vendors as to which would support that configuration. The card itself will support it, so it depends on the hypervisor.