HDMI disable output

we used R32 (release), REVISION: 5.2, GCID: 27767740, BOARD: t210ref.
we encounter a problem: the hdmi disable output from the dmesg log.
The HDMI Port didn’t display on the monitor after hdmi hotplug, it is normal before hotplug.
From the log, at last, hdmi disable, we don’t konw why?
“Extcon AUX1(HDMI) disable”
dc-hdmi-disable-out.txt (4.3 KB)

Did you check the pinmux settings?

check witch pinmux settings? 这是个低概率问题,复测也很难出现,但确实有遇到!有看log吗,log上是否有不合理的地方?


我看完你們的log只能回答你我看到hdmi 是power down的狀況 除此之外沒有其他任何問題…

Nvidia HDMI 信号输出后,先是接到一颗LT6911芯片HDMI信号转成2路MIPI信号输出,再接到2颗LT9611芯片,分别把MIPI信号再转成HDMI 信号输出。上面三张图分别对应soc输出,LT6911,其中一颗LT9611的原理图部分,我们项目是hdmi 1转2输出的需求


請問你提到這個問題不是每次都發生, 請問是指說hotplug你有高機率成功 但是偶爾有幾次會失敗嗎?



driver code:


麻煩確認一下以下hotplug部份的code. 錯誤發生的時候看起來hotplug有收到 但是後續動作沒有發生.

821  	err = tegra_hdmi_state_func[hdmi->plug_state](hdmi);
823  	if (err < 0) {
824  			dev_info(&hdmi->dc->ndev->dev,
825  				"hdmi state %d failed during %splug\n",
826  				hdmi->plug_state, connected ? "" : "un");
827  			hdmi->plug_state = orig_state;
828  			goto fail;
829  		} else {
830  			dev_info(&hdmi->dc->ndev->dev, "hdmi: %splugged\n",
831  					connected ? "" : "un");
832  		}
834  	if (connected && hdmi->plug_state == TEGRA_HDMI_MONITOR_DISABLE)
835  		goto reschedule_worker;

是的,我们也有跟正常的对比过,发现异常的这次,在tegradc tegradc.0: blank - powerdown 后没有后续流程了!

請問你可以加一些print在hdmi driver然後給我們看一下正常跟異常時候的log確認一下嗎

嗯,我们准备加一些print信息,只是复现率比较低。我们看到异常的log中,hpd unplugged到plug的时间间隔很断,猜测会不会unplugged的流程还未处理完,plug流程开始了,导致流程冲突错乱! 如果是这个原因,有什么好的方法规避!

dc-hdmi-normal-log.txt (4.3 KB)

We still need support!
My account needs security verification, but I cannot receive the verification email.
I wonder why? So I used a new account to reply!

I’m closing this topic due to there is no update from you for a period, assuming this issue was resolved.
If still need the support, please open a new topic. Thanks

Sorry for the late response, have you managed to get issue resolved or still need the support? Thanks