Hi WayneWWW,
Thank you for your update.
Please let us know, if the patch is ready.
Hi WayneWWW,
Thank you for your update.
Please let us know, if the patch is ready.
Hi WayneWWW,
Could you help check which L4T version is the patch for?
As I checked the source on L4T R32.3.1 and L4t R32.4.2, there is no drivers/gpu/nvgpu/common path.
Only drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvkm/subdev/bios/pmu.c.
Thank you for any advice,
Do you see this path in your source?
Hi WayneWWW,
Thank you for your prompt support.
Yes. Got the path.
So is this patch for L4T R32.4.2 not R32.2.1?
There is no nvgpu_cg_blcg_enable_no_wait(g) on L4t R32.2.1.
We are still testing the stress test on L4T R32.4.2.
Thank you,
This patch is for rel-32.4.2.
Hi @WayneWWW,
I am experiencing the same gpu issues as in the referenced posts.
Could you please provide information/steps on how and where to apply this patch as I have not done this before?
Thank you.
Please refer to l4t development guide → Kernel customization.
dear Wayne.
Our release BSP was R32.3.1 .So can be you help to porivide patch on R32.3.1 for us.
Hi Bill,
For rel-32.3.1, you need to use this patch too.
e45e7b5.diff.zip (1.5 KB)
Put this patch first and then the patch in previous comment.
Actually, I hope you could move to rel-32.4.2 to debug this issue. All our patch would be based on latest release instead of specific release in past.
Wow, that is a lot of stuff to do which I am not familiar with (yet).
Is there not an easier fix of applying a patched kernel to verify faster that it actually solves the issue?
Unfortunately, this is already the most fast way to patched the kerenl.
run the arm64 image inside of qemu. setting up qemu is not trivial but once you do it, easy to test.
Hi WayneWWW,
I’m afraid that the patch for L4T R32.3.1 does not work.
I still got the unexpected display after added the patch.
I actually replaced the new Image to original /boot/Image.
Then continue testing it.
The issue still could be duplicated easily.
Did I miss any?
Thank you,
Hi HuiW,
Yes, I guess you miss something. This patch is in nvgpu driver and nvgpu driver is a kernel module (.ko) file which is not in Image. It means you should replace nvgpu.ko under /lib/module/. instead of /boot/Image.
Hi WayneWWW,
Thank you for your information.
So I need to keep the original Image.
Only replace new nvgpu.ko to Nano device /lib/module.
Please correct me, if I missed.
Thank you,
By the way, is there a way to check if the patch is added correctly or not?
Is nvgpu.ko from TEGRA_KERNEL_OUT/drivers/gpu/nvgpu/nvgpu.ko?
Yes, it is from that path.