JetsonXavierNX PCIE support GEN3.1,I use x4 for ssd,How did know the JetsonXavierNX’PCIE work in gen2 or gen3? or How did I set the JetsonXavierNX’PCIE work in gen2 or gen3? operating system:Ubutu 18.04.thanks
It can be found out from the output of ‘sudo lspci -vv’. Look for ‘LnkSta’ of your SSD device. By default, Jetson Xavier NX is configured to get the PCIe link up at the maximum speed supported by the end point (SSD here). So, there is nothing extra required to be done to get the PCIe link up in Gen-2/3 apart from connecting an SSD that is Gen-2/3 capable.
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