How Enable CAN0 and CAN1 Bus on Jetson Xavier? Jetpack 4.6 and higher

Hi, I have problem with CAN Bus on Jetson Xavier NX. I use this tutorial:

My jetpack 4.6 but I try on 5.0 to.
When I test loopback:

sudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 1000000 loopback on

Then trasmision work, but when i try connect pin29 to 31pin, and phisic send messag, than nothing happend.

I thik it is problem with configuration pin. How can I enableCAN0 on pin 29 and 31 or enable CAN1?
My CAN massage work Fine. I have oscyloskop.

I found post with similar problem:

But I dont know how compile db file. New SDK manager have One jetpack 5.0.
I try write image OS with jetpack 4.4 on my jetson. But get black screen. I use window Etcher to write image.
Next week I try install image on Linux.

Mayby samo One have working Image with CAN BUS? Jetson Xavier NX

Please check below thread to see if can help:
CAN Transceivers on Jetson AGX Xavier - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson AGX Xavier - NVIDIA Developer Forums


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