how to build and update px2 driver.

I can find some code in the follow path , is there an document specify how to build and install to the px2

hello xingxing,

  1. please configure your environment settings as below,
$ export PDK_TOP=<user>/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE/Linux/
$ export CROSS_COMPILE=$PDK_TOP/toolchains/tegra-4.9-nv/usr/bin/aarch64-gnu-linux/aarch64-gnu-linux-
$ cd $PDK_TOP/drive-t186ref-linux/samples/nvmedia/ext_dev_prgm/img_dev
$ make
  1. you’ll found the at the same folder.
    please copy it manually to the target device, and overwrite /usr/lib/

  2. please run the ipp_yuv or applications for verification. thanks